Decision details

Joint Finance and Performance Report, Quarter 3 2022/23

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


RESOLVED that Cabinet noted:


A    The forecast outturn position set out within the report in respect of the General Fund as at the end of the third quarter (April - December) of 2022/23 of a projected overspend of £480,000 or 0.8 percent of the gross General Fund Budget.


B    TheQuarter3 operational performanceandrisk managementthathas been achievedin 2022/23across allCouncilservices.

Report author: Simon Freeman

Publication date: 24/03/2023

Date of decision: 23/03/2023

Decided at meeting: 23/03/2023 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: