159 North Essex Parking Partnership Agreement PDF 123 KB
Additional documents:
A From 1 April 2022, Harlow Council continues membership of the On-Street and Off-Street North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) and delegates authority to the Director of Communities and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Governance to:
i) Approve the new Parking Partnership Joint Committee Agreement on terms outlined in paragraph 6 of the report.
ii) Approve the new Off-street Parking Service Level Agreement.
Cabinet received a report to extend the Council’s involvement with the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP).
Proposed by Councillor Alastair Gunn (seconded by Councillor Michael Hardware) it was:
A From 1 April 2022, Harlow Council continues membership of the On-Street and Off-Street North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) and delegates authority to the Director of Communities and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Governance to:
i) Approve the new Parking Partnership Joint Committee Agreement on terms outlined in paragraph 6 of the report.
ii) Approve the new Off-street Parking Service Level Agreement.