Issue - meetings

Fire Safety Works 154-189 & 190-207 Sycamore Field

Meeting: 15/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 110)

110 Fire Safety Works 154-189 & 190-207 Sycamore Field pdf icon PDF 144 KB

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RESOLVED that Cabinet approved:


A    The disposal of the buildings known as 154-189 & 190-207 Sycamore Field and the associated vehicle parking known as carports 154-163, 164-171 and 201-207 Sycamore Field and hardstandings 172-189 Sycamore Field due to fire safety remediation requirements that cannot be achieved.


B    The commencement of decanting residents from these properties in line with the council’s allocations policy.


C    The payment of home loss and disturbance payments as appropriate.


D    Commencement of negotiation with leaseholders for the repurchase of properties with approval to complete purchases delegated to the Director of Housing in consultation with the Assistant Director for Housing and Property.


E     The use of Compulsory Purchase Powers under Section 226 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 should this become necessary.


F     Service of a demolition notice under Section 138B and Schedule 5A of the Housing Act 1985 which will confirm the council’s intention to demolish the buildings and suspend the obligation on the council to complete right to buy applications on the two buildings in question.


G    The negotiation and settlement of any statutory compensation claims made by residents as a result of the service of the Initial Demolition Notice delegated as set out in recommendation D above.


Cabinet received a report on fire safety remediation works at 154-189 and 190-297 Sycamore Field.


The Leader agreed to meet with Councillor Perrin about the impact of the demolition on disabled residents and the noise made by the Walking Watch.


Councillor Perrin would be provided with details on the impact on contents insurance for residents.


Councillor Kay Morrison would be provided with all relevant fire safety documentation.


Councillor Vince would be provided with an explanation as to why alternative funding mechanisms weren’t applicable.


Councillor Griggs would be provided with information about insurance indemnity.


Proposed by Councillor David Carter (seconded by Councillor Dan Swords) it was:


RESOLVED that Cabinet approved:


A    The disposal of the buildings known as 154-189 & 190-207 Sycamore Field and the associated vehicle parking known as carports 154-163, 164-171 and 201-207 Sycamore Field and hardstandings 172-189 Sycamore Field due to fire safety remediation requirements that cannot be achieved.


B    The commencement of decanting residents from these properties in line with the council’s allocations policy.


C    The payment of home loss and disturbance payments as appropriate.


D    Commencement of negotiation with leaseholders for the repurchase of properties with approval to complete purchases delegated to the Director of Housing in consultation with the Assistant Director for Housing and Property.


E     The use of Compulsory Purchase Powers under Section 226 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 should this become necessary.


F     Service of a demolition notice under Section 138B and Schedule 5A of the Housing Act 1985 which will confirm the council’s intention to demolish the buildings and suspend the obligation on the council to complete right to buy applications on the two buildings in question.


G    The negotiation and settlement of any statutory compensation claims made by residents as a result of the service of the Initial Demolition Notice delegated as set out in recommendation D above.


Councillor O’Dell returned to the meeting.