52 Award of Contract for Domestic Waste and Recycling Collection Services PDF 217 KB
Appendix B of this report is confidential so any discussion of which will be held in private session.
Additional documents:
A The most economically advantageous tender for the contract for the Provision of Domestic Waste and Recycling Collection and Allied Services submitted by Bidder A be accepted, subject to formal contract.
B Delegated authority be given to the Managing Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make the necessary contractual arrangements.
Cabinet received a report to award a contract for domestic waste and recycling collection services following the expiration of the current contract at the end of March 2019.
Proposed by Councillor Mark Ingall (seconded by Councillor Danny Purton) it was:
A The most economically advantageous tender for the contract for the Provision of Domestic Waste and Recycling Collection and Allied Services submitted by Bidder A be accepted, subject to formal contract.
B Delegated authority be given to the Managing Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make the necessary contractual arrangements.