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Contact: Adam Rees
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Shona Johnson. Councillor Michael Hardware was in attendance as her substitute. |
Declarations of Interest To receive Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any matters on the agenda. Minutes: The following pecuniary interests were declared in respect of Item 8, Delivery of Council House Building Programme – Final Report.
i) Councillor Joel Charles as a Council appointed remunerated Director of HTS (Housing and Regeneration) Ltd and HTS Group Ltd
ii) Councillor Simon Carter as a Council appointed remunerated Director of HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd
iii) Councillor Bob Davis as a Council appointed remunerated Director of HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd and HTS Group Ltd
iv) Councillor Emma Toal as a Council appointed remunerated Director of HTS (Housing and Regeneration) Ltd.
Councillor Charles also declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 9, Policing and Community Safety Annual Review – Recommendation to Cabinet as a Director of a UK and Irish business group which deals with deals with large Government justice service contracts. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2021 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Matters arising Minutes: None. |
Written questions from members of the public To receive any questions from members of the public in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10. Minutes: None. |
Written questions from Councillors To receive any questions from Councillors in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. Minutes: None. |
Responses of the Cabinet to Reports of the Scrutiny Committee To consider responses (if any) of the Cabinet to reports and recommendations from the Committee. Minutes: None. |
Delivery of Council House Building Programme - Final Report PDF 206 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received the final report on the review of the delivery of the Council House building programme. The Committee agreed to create an additional recommendation to carry out a review of the Council’s learning and development, guidance alongside the appraisal process for staff delivering the Housing Building Programme.
RESOLVED that it is recommended to Cabinet that it adopts the recommendations set out in the consultant’s report (attached as Appendix A to the original report), along with an additional recommendation to carry out a review of the Council’s approach to learning and guidance alongside the appraisal process. |
Policing and Community Safety Annual Review - Recommendation to Cabinet Minutes: The Committee discussed recommendations and further action it wished to take following a question and answer session with Essex Police at the previous meeting. The Committee considered recent crime data and agreed to set up a sub group to oversee the scoping of a review into domestic abuse and harassment, with this review being considered as item when the Committee sets its work plan for 2021/22.
RESOLVED that a sub group be set up to oversee the scoping of a review into domestic abuse and harassment. |
To review the Committee’s work plan for the current year. Minutes: The Committee received a report summarising its work plan for 2020/21.
RESOLVED that the work plan be noted. |
References from Other Committees Minutes: None. |
Matters of Urgent Business Such other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be received as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the minutes. Minutes: None. |