Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre
Contact: Adam Rees
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Nick Churchill and Shona Johnson. |
Declarations of Interest To receive Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any matters on the agenda. Minutes: Councillor David Carter declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 9 as a site rep for Harlow Allotment Association. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2022 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Matters arising Minutes: None. |
Written questions from members of the public To receive any questions from members of the public in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10. Minutes: None. |
Written questions from Councillors To receive any questions from Councillors in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. Minutes: None. |
Responses of the Cabinet to Reports of the Scrutiny Committee To consider responses (if any) of the Cabinet to reports and recommendations from the Committee. Minutes: None. |
Policing and Community Safety Annual Review - Question and Answer with the Police Additional documents: Minutes: Chief Inspector Paul Austin and Sergeant Matt Hughes from Essex Police gave a presentation on policing in the town, in response to questions submitted in advance by the Committee. It was noted that a number of questions had been submitted by the public and these would be answered outside of the meeting. A copy of these questions and answers is appended to the minutes.
The Committee then asked the Police questions in relation to the presentation and discussed potential further work that could take place.
The Committee said that they would recommend to Cabinet that improvements to CCTV in the Town Centre would be looked at, as well as asking the Police to provide contact information for Police Officers assigned to each Ward.
The Committee also agreed that it would look at what could be done about the rise in hate crime.
A It was recommended to Cabinet that:
i) Cabinet requests that work is undertaken to identify what changes to CCTV provision could be made in the Town Centre and any budget implications arising from these, with a report to be brought back to Cabinet at a later date; and
ii) The Police be asked to provide contact information for Police Officers assigned to each Ward.
B The Committee would consider the inclusion of an item on hate crime on its work plan. |
Allotments - Update Report Minutes: The Committee received an update report on the review of allotments.
RESOLVED that it was agreed that further meetings of the Councillor Task and Finish Group be arranged and a further report be received by the Committee in the following municipal year. |
To review the Committee’s work plan for the current year. Minutes: The Committee received a report summarising its work plan for 2021/22.
RESOLVED that the work plan be noted. |
References from Other Committees Minutes: None. |
Matters of Urgent Business Such other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be received as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the minutes. Minutes: None. |