Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Stefan Mullard-Toal and Stacy Seales. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any matters on the agenda. Minutes: None.
Minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2024 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Matters Arising Minutes: None. |
Written Questions and Petitions Minutes: None. |
Non Contentious Business Minutes: None. |
Internal Audit Progress Report PDF 210 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an Internal Audit progress report. Internal Audit verbally updated the Committee that the Waste Contract management and Treasury Management recommendations have now been completed on the Audit Tracker.
RESOLVED that the Committee noted the report. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received the risk management report.
RESOLVED that the Committee noted the current strategic risk register for the council’s operations included in Appendix B to the report. |
Statement of Accounts - Verbal Update Minutes: Jacqui Van Mellaerts, Assistant Director – Finance, gave a verbal update on the finalising of statement of accounts for 2023/24 and the position of prior year outstanding Audits. The audit backstop dates for accounts up to 2022/23, has been moved back to 13 December 2024. The backstop for the 2023/24 audited accounts has been brought forward to February 2025. Future governance requirements need to be finalised and the Committee will be updated. |
Committee Work Plan PDF 205 KB Minutes: The Committee received its current work plan.
RESOLVED that the work plan is noted. |
References from other Committees Any references arising from meetings held after the publication of this agenda will be circulated separately.
Minutes: None. |
Matters of Urgent Business To deal with any matters of an urgent nature. Minutes: None. |