Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre
Contact: Adam Rees
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Russell Perrin. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda. Minutes: None. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2021 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Leader. |
Matters Arising Any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: None. |
Written Questions from the Public PDF 196 KB To receive any questions from members of the public in accordance with Rule 10 of the Council Procedure Rules. Additional documents: Minutes: The questions, together with the answers, are appended to the minutes. |
Written Questions from Councillors To receive any questions from Councillors in accordance with Rule 11 of the Council Procedure Rules. Minutes: None. |
Petitions To consider any petitions that have been referred to the Cabinet under the Council’s Petition Scheme. Minutes: None. |
To note the Forward Plan, which lists all upcoming Cabinet decisions and provides notice of key decisions and those expected to be taken in private session. Minutes: Councillor Charles said that the report on the Partnership Grant Review would now be considered at the 4 November meeting. The Health and Wellbeing Strategy would now be a position statement to enable up to date data to inform the strategy.
RESOLVED that the Forward Plan is noted. |
Joint Finance and Performance Report, Quarter 1 2021/22 PDF 217 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet noted:
A the projected outturn position set out in sections three and four of Appendix A to this report for the first quarter (April – June) of 2021/22 as follow:
i) A projected overspend of £103,000 representing 0.2 per cent of the gross General Fund Budget.
ii) The Council performed on or above target for 40 out of 46 (87 per cent) of its monthly and quarterly Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); and successfully completed 6 out of 59 (10 per cent) of its service milestones. Minutes: Cabinet received the Joint Finance and Performance Report for Quarter 1 2021/22.
Proposed by Councillor Andrew Johnson (seconded by Councillor Dan Swords) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet noted:
A the projected outturn position set out in sections three and four of Appendix A to this report for the first quarter (April – June) of 2021/22 as follow:
i) A projected overspend of £103,000 representing 0.2 per cent of the gross General Fund Budget.
ii) The Council performed on or above target for 40 out of 46 (87 per cent) of its monthly and quarterly Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); and successfully completed 6 out of 59 (10 per cent) of its service milestones. |
Housing Revenue Account, Quarter 1 Finance Report 2021/22 PDF 406 KB Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet noted:
A The Quarter 1 – Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget Monitoring report as set out in the report and in Appendix 1 and 2.
B That the forecast HRA general working balance as at 31March 2022 will be £3,246 million.
C The recent changes made to the use of retained Right to Buy (RTB) receipts and the balance of £7.067 million of retained RTB receipts held as at 31 March 2021 in order to finance the new build capital programme. Minutes: Cabinet received the Housing Revenue Account, Quarter 1 Finance Report 2021/22.
Proposed by Councillor Simon Carter (seconded by Councillor Andrew Johnson) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet noted:
A The Quarter 1 – Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget Monitoring report as set out in the report and in Appendix 1 and 2.
B That the forecast HRA general working balance as at 31March 2022 will be £3.246 million.
C The recent changes made to the use of retained Right to Buy (RTB) receipts and the balance of £7.067 million of retained RTB receipts held as at 31 March 2021 in order to finance the new build capital programme. |
Capital Programmes, Quarter 1 Finance Report 2021/22 PDF 467 KB Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Notes the progress in the delivery of the Council’s Housing Capital Programme (HCP) as at Quarter 1 2021/22 as follows:
i) The current budget is £38.922 million, including £1.25 million carried forward from 2020/21. The projected outturn at Quarter 1 is £34.249 million as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
B Noted the progress in the delivery of the Council’s Non Housing Capital Programme (NHCP) as at Quarter 1 2021/22 as follows:
i) The current budget is £23.328 million, including £3.984 million carried forward from 2020/21. The projected outturn at Quarter 1 is £18.302 million as set out in Appendix 2 to the report.
C Noted that various delays encountered across both the Housing and Non Housing Capital Programmes, many of which are as a direct result of the Pandemic, mean it is anticipated that further re-profiling will be required at Quarter 2 2021/22.
D Approved the inclusion in the NHCP budget of an additional £17,760 for the purchase of tablets and the use of a Mobile Canvasser Application for Electoral Registration, Canvass and Elections. Expenditure is to be financed from the annual IER grant and an approved Revenue carry over from 2020/21. Minutes: Cabinet received the Capital Progammes, Quarter 1 Finance Report 2021/22.
Proposed by Councillor Simon Carter (seconded by Councillor Andrew Johson) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Notes the progress in the delivery of the Council’s Housing Capital Programme (HCP) as at Quarter 1 2021/22 as follows:
i) The current budget is £38.922 million, including £1.25 million carried forward from 2020/21. The projected outturn at Quarter 1 is £34.249 million as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
B Noted the progress in the delivery of the Council’s Non Housing Capital Programme (NHCP) as at Quarter 1 2021/22 as follows:
i) The current budget is £23.328 million, including £3.984 million carried forward from 2020/21. The projected outturn at Quarter 1 is £18.302 million as set out in Appendix 2 to the report.
C Noted that various delays encountered across both the Housing and Non Housing Capital Programmes, many of which are as a direct result of the Pandemic, mean it is anticipated that further re-profiling will be required at Quarter 2 2021/22.
D Approved the inclusion in the NHCP budget of an additional £17,760 for the purchase of tablets and the use of a Mobile Canvasser Application for Electoral Registration, Canvass and Elections. Expenditure is to be financed from the annual IER grant and an approved Revenue carry over from 2020/21. |
Annual Treasury Management Report 2020/21 PDF 394 KB Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet noted:
A The annual Treasury ManagementReport for 2020/21 (Appendix Ato the report), including thatthe Council operated within the Treasury Management Strategy Statement during 2020/21, and thatthe report is recommended to Full Council forapproval. Minutes: Cabinet received the Annual Treasury Management Report 2020/21.
Proposed by Councillor Andrew Johnson (seconded by Councillor Joel Charles) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet noted:
A The annual Treasury ManagementReport for 2020/21 (Appendix Ato the report), including thatthe Council operated within the Treasury Management Strategy Statement during 2020/21, and thatthe report is recommended to Full Council forapproval. |
Town Plan - Draft for Consultation PDF 117 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that:
A Cabinet endorsed the vision and aspirations as set out in the consultation draft of the Harlow Town Plan as set out in Appendix A to the report.
B Cabinet authorised that public consultation be undertaken on this draft for a period of eight weeks with any minor amendments following the Cabinet meeting to be delegated to the Head of Environment & Planning in conjunction with the Portfolio Holders for Strategic Growth and Regeneration.
C The Town Plan Panel then considers the results of the subsequent consultation exercise and produces an updated version of the Town Plan for adoption by Cabinet. Minutes: Cabinet received a report to approve a consultation on the draft Town Plan.
Proposed by Councillor Michael Hardware (seconded by Councillor Dan Swords) it was:
A Cabinet endorsed the vision and aspirations as set out in the consultation draft of the Harlow Town Plan as set out in Appendix A to the report.
B Cabinet authorised that public consultation be undertaken on this draft for a period of eight weeks with any minor amendments following the Cabinet meeting to be delegated to the Head of Environment & Planning in conjunction with the Portfolio Holders for Strategic Growth and Regeneration.
C The Town Plan Panel then considers the results of the subsequent consultation exercise and produces an updated version of the Town Plan for adoption by Cabinet. |
EV Charge Points Contract Award PDF 225 KB
Decision: RESOLVED that:
A Harlow Council enters into a contract with BP Pulse for the supply of Electric Vehicle (EV) chargepoints in pay and display car parks as listed.
B Authority be delegated to Head of Finance to negotiate and (if appropriate and in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment) legally complete the necessary contract documents.
C Harlow Council implements a steering group and officer working group to develop a strategy to install On Street Residential Chargepoints (ORCS) in residential estates and in other locations across the town. Minutes: Cabinet received a report to approve a contract for the supply of EV chargepoints.
Councillor Tony Durcan declared a pecuniary interest as a remunerated Council appointed Director of HTS (Housing and Regeneration) Ltd.
Proposed by Councillor Alastair Gunn (seconded by Councillor Dan Swords) it was:
A Harlow Council enters into a contract with BP Pulse for the supply of Electric Vehicle (EV) chargepoints in pay and display car parks as listed.
B Authority be delegated to Head of Finance to negotiate and (if appropriate and in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment) legally complete the necessary contract documents.
C Harlow Council implements a steering group and officer working group to develop a strategy to install On Street Residential Chargepoints (ORCS) in residential estates and in other locations across the town. |
Contract Award for Delivery of Harlow Community Hub Service PDF 118 KB Decision: RESOLVED that:
A Contractor A is awarded the contract for delivery of a Pilot Community Hub Service for a period of six months from 1 October 2021 at £90,000 subject to Paragraph 13 in the report. Minutes: Cabinet received a report for a contract award to provide a pilot community hub service.
Proposed by Councillor Joel Charles (seconded by Councillor Andrew Johnson) it was:
A Contractor A is awarded the contract for delivery of a Pilot Community Hub Service for a period of six months from 1 October 2021 at £90,000 subject to Paragraph 13 in the report. |
Fire Safety Works - Pennymead Tower, Netteswell Tower and Spring Hills Tower PDF 211 KB Decision: RESOLVED that:
A The most advantageous tender in consideration of price and quality combined as submitted by Contractor B, be accepted in the sum of £1,060,367 for the delivery of updated fire compartmentation between floors, in service duct and ventilation system, internal and front entrance fire doors programme, subject to contract and Leaseholder Consultation. Minutes: Cabinet received a report to award a contract for fire safety works on Pennymead, Netteswell and Spring Hills towers.
Proposed by Councillor Simon Carter (seconded by Councillor Andrew Johnson) it was:
A The most advantageous tender in consideration of price and quality combined as submitted by Contractor B, be accepted in the sum of £1,060,367 for the delivery of updated fire compartmentation between floors, in service duct and ventilation system, internal and front entrance fire doors programme, subject to contract and Leaseholder Consultation. |
Communications from Committees/Working Groups/Parties and Panels |
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that:
A The recommendations contained in the consultant’s report be adopted.
B Cabinet noted the Committee will be considering a report on the implementation of the recommendations at its meeting in July 2022. Minutes: Cabinet received a referral from the Scrutiny Committee on housing and accommodation requirements for adults with a moderate/severe learning disability.
Proposed by Councillor Simon Carter (seconded by Councillor Andrew Johnson) it was:
A The recommendations contained in the consultant’s report be adopted.
B Cabinet noted the Committee will be considering a report on the implementation of the recommendations at its meeting in July 2022. |
Referral from Cabinet Policy Development Working Group - Carbon Management Plan PDF 124 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Approved the Carbon Reduction Plan for 2021-26 as attached to this report with a commitment to achieving a 15.6% reduction in carbon emissions from the Council’s operations in the plan period, equating to a 50% reduction on the 2014/15 baseline.
B Agreed to set a target of achieving Net Zero by 2040 with a commitment to review this on an annual basis and seek to improve on this target as the development of carbon free technology enables that to happen.
C Agreed to receive a further report to set out how the Council, in exercising its community leadership role, can bring forward a broader Climate Change Strategy for the town. Minutes: Cabinet received a referral from the Cabinet Policy Development Working Group on the Carbon Reduction Plan.
Proposed by Councillor Alastair Gunn (seconded by Councillor Andrew Johnson) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Approved the Carbon Reduction Plan for 2021-26 as attached to this report with a commitment to achieving a 15.6% reduction in carbon emissions from the Council’s operations in the plan period, equating to a 50% reduction on the 2014/15 baseline.
B Agreed to set a target of achieving Net Zero by 2040 with a commitment to review this on an annual basis and seek to improve on this target as the development of carbon free technology enables that to happen.
C Agreed to receive a further report to set out how the Council, in exercising its community leadership role, can bring forward a broader Climate Change Strategy for the town. |
Minutes of Panels/Working Groups To note the following draft minutes of Cabinet appointed bodies. Minutes remain draft until approved by the relevant body. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the following meetings are noted. |
Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 23 June 2021 of Harlow Local Highways Panel PDF 364 KB |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 1 July 2021 of Shareholder Sub Committee PDF 193 KB |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 5 August 2021 of Cabinet Policy Development Working Group PDF 177 KB |
Matters of Urgent Business Such other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be received as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the minutes. Minutes: None. |