Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre
Contact: Adam Rees
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda. Minutes: Councillor Tony Durcan declared a pecuniary interest in items 9-15 as a Council appointed Non-Executive Director of HTS (Housing and Regeneration) Ltd.
Councillor Chris Vince declared a non-pecuniary interest in items 9-15 as an employee of Streets2Homes. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2021 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Leader. |
Matters Arising Any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: None. |
Written Questions from the Public PDF 207 KB To receive any questions from members of the public in accordance with Rule 10 of the Council Procedure Rules. Additional documents: Minutes: The questions, together with the answers, are appended to the minutes. |
Written Questions from Councillors To receive any questions from Councillors in accordance with Rule 11 of the Council Procedure Rules. Minutes: None. |
Petitions To consider any petitions that have been referred to the Cabinet under the Council’s Petition Scheme. Minutes: None. |
To note the Forward Plan, which lists all upcoming Cabinet decisions and provides notice of key decisions and those expected to be taken in private session. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Forward Plan is noted.
The Leader said that with the consent of Cabinet he would take items 9-15 en-bloc. |
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2022/23 - 2024/25 PDF 415 KB
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that it was recommended to Full Council that:
A The Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2022/23 to 2024/25 (attached as appendix B to the report) is adopted.
B The planned Council Tax (HDC element) 0 percent increase for 2022/23 as set out in the Medium Term Financial Plan be approved.
C That the proposals regarding the Council’s Reserves as set out in paragraphs 5(c) and 22 - 35 of the report are agreed resulting in the release of £1,355,000 from reserves in 2022/23 to provide £993,000 funding for the proposed efficiency dividend set out in the General fund budget report elsewhere on the Cabinet agenda and to create a new Estates Renewal Fund of £363,000.
D That the New Homes Bonus for 2022/23 totalling £1.165 million, is applied to part fund the efficiency dividend (£830,000) and to also increase the Budget Resilience Reserve (£335,000) which in turn will be applied to support the proposals relating to 0 percent council tax increases (HDC element) in 2023/24 and 2024/25.
E That subject to recommendations C and D being approved an efficiency dividend of £50 per eligible property be approved as a one off arrangement for the 2022/23 financial year.
F That in respect of the Harlow Council element, the MTFS includes plans for a 0 percent council tax increases in 2023/24 and 2024/25. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2022/23 – 2024/25.
Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor Simon Carter) it was:
RESOLVED that it was recommended to Full Council that:
A The Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2022/23 to 2024/25 (attached as appendix B to the report) is adopted.
B The planned Council Tax (HDC element) 0 percent increase for 2022/23 as set out in the Medium Term Financial Plan be approved.
C That the proposals regarding the Council’s Reserves as set out in paragraphs 5(c) and 22 - 35 of the report are agreed resulting in the release of £1,355,000 from reserves in 2022/23 to provide £993,000 funding for the proposed efficiency dividend set out in the General fund budget report elsewhere on the Cabinet agenda and to create a new Estates Renewal Fund of £363,000.
D That the New Homes Bonus for 2022/23 totalling £1.165 million, is applied to part fund the efficiency dividend (£830,000) and to also increase the Budget Resilience Reserve (£335,000) which in turn will be applied to support the proposals relating to 0 percent council tax increases (HDC element) in 2023/24 and 2024/25.
E That subject to recommendations C and D being approved an efficiency dividend of £50 per eligible property be approved as a one off arrangement for the 2022/23 financial year.
F That in respect of the Harlow Council element, the MTFS includes plans for a 0 percent council tax increases in 2023/24 and 2024/25. |
General Fund Budget 2022/23 PDF 262 KB
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet recommended to Full Council that:
A The General Fund estimates for 2022/23, as set out in Appendix A to the report, are approved.
B The proposed transfers between the General Fund and Earmarked Reserves, referred to within the report and set out in Appendix C to the report, are approved.
C The proposed Fees and Charges, as set out in Appendix E to the report, are approved.
D The Pay Policy Statement, as set out in Appendix G to the report, is approved.
E The Council's Band D Council Tax for 2022/23 is set at £288.90 representing a reversal of the proposed 1.99 percent increase as set out in the 2021/2022 MTFS meaning that eligible households will pay £55.75 less than previously forecast in the 2021/22 MTFS.
F That the proposals set out in the report are approved allowing a £50 Efficiency Dividend be made to eligible households in 2022/23. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the General Fund 2022/23.
Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor Simon Carter) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet recommended to Full Council that:
A The General Fund estimates for 2022/23, as set out in Appendix A to the report, are approved.
B The proposed transfers between the General Fund and Earmarked Reserves, referred to within the report and set out in Appendix C to the report, are approved.
C The proposed Fees and Charges, as set out in Appendix E to the report, are approved.
D The Pay Policy Statement, as set out in Appendix G to the report, is approved.
E The Council's Band D Council Tax for 2022/23 is set at £288.90 representing a reversal of the proposed 1.99 percent increase as set out in the 2021/2022 MTFS meaning that eligible households will pay £55.75 less than previously forecast in the 2021/22 MTFS.
F That the proposals set out in the report are approved allowing a £50 Efficiency Dividend be made to eligible households in 2022/23. |
Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2021-2051 PDF 128 KB
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet recommended to Full Council that:
A The Housing RevenueAccount (HRA)Business Plan,as setout inAppendix A to this report,is approved.
B Authority is delegated to the Director of Housing, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to make minor amendments to the Plan, ifnecessary, following consultation. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the HRA Business Plan 2021-51.
Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor Simon Carter) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet recommended to Full Council that:
A The Housing RevenueAccount (HRA)Business Plan,as setout inAppendix A to this report,is approved.
B Authority is delegated to the Director of Housing, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to make minor amendments to the Plan, ifnecessary, following consultation. |
Housing Revenue Account Budget 2022/23 PDF 369 KB
Decision: RESOLVED that it was recommended to Full Council to:
A Approve the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) estimates as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
B Approve a working balance of £4.563 million for the HRA (set out in paragraph 26 of the report).
C Approve that tenant rents are increased by Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1 per cent (4.1 per cent) with effect from 4 April 2022. This equates to an average weekly rent of £97.49, an increase of £3.87 (set out in paragraph 3 of the report).
D Approve that the rents and personal charges for temporary accommodation are increased with effect from 4 April 2022 as set out in paragraph 4 of the report.
E Approve that garage rents within the ‘retain and invest’ category are increased by 5 per cent with effect from 1 April 2022. This equates to an average weekly rent of £11.76, an increase of £0.56. Also approve the proportionate increases for other garages, car ports and car spaces (set out in paragraph 5 of the report).
F Approve that tenant service charges are increased to recover full cost with effect from 4 April 2022 (see paragraphs 6 to 8 of the report and Appendix 2 attached to the report).
G Approve that other housing related support charges for sheltered accommodation are increased to recover full cost with effect from 4 April 2022 (see paragraphs 9 to 13 of the report and Appendix 2 attached to the report).
H Approve the tenant heating charges with effect from 4 April 2022. These equate to an average weekly heating charge of £10.96, an increase of £1.23. For tenants in sheltered accommodation, this equates to an average weekly charge of £6.75, an increase £1.68 (see paragraphs 14 to 16 of the report and Appendix 2 attached to the report).
I Approve that the leasehold service charges are increased with effect from 1 April 2022 to ensure that all leaseholder costs are recovered (see paragraphs 17 to 21 of the report and Appendix 2 attached to the report).
J Approve that all other tenant charges are increased with effect from 4 April 2022 in order to recover cost (see Appendix 2 attached to the report).
K Approve that Harlow’s Rent Policy is reviewed during 2022/23 with a view to moving towards the National Social Housing Rents Standard (2019) for when properties become empty and for types of rent to be charged on newly acquired or newly built properties (see paragraphs 42 to 44 of the report).
L Approve the options for tackling homelessness and prevention as outlined in paragraphs 45 to 48 of the report. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the HRA Budget for 2022/23.
Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor Simon Carter) it was:
RESOLVED that it was recommended to Full Council to:
A Approve the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) estimates as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
B Approve a working balance of £4.563 million for the HRA (set out in paragraph 26 of the report).
C Approve that tenant rents are increased by Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1 per cent (4.1 per cent) with effect from 4 April 2022. This equates to an average weekly rent of £97.49, an increase of £3.87 (set out in paragraph 3 of the report).
D Approve that the rents and personal charges for temporary accommodation are increased with effect from 4 April 2022 as set out in paragraph 4 of the report.
E Approve that garage rents within the ‘retain and invest’ category are increased by 5 per cent with effect from 1 April 2022. This equates to an average weekly rent of £11.76, an increase of £0.56. Also approve the proportionate increases for other garages, car ports and car spaces (set out in paragraph 5 of the report).
F Approve that tenant service charges are increased to recover full cost with effect from 4 April 2022 (see paragraphs 6 to 8 of the report and Appendix 2 attached to the report).
G Approve that other housing related support charges for sheltered accommodation are increased to recover full cost with effect from 4 April 2022 (see paragraphs 9 to 13 of the report and Appendix 2 attached to the report).
H Approve the tenant heating charges with effect from 4 April 2022. These equate to an average weekly heating charge of £10.96, an increase of £1.23. For tenants in sheltered accommodation, this equates to an average weekly charge of £6.75, an increase £1.68 (see paragraphs 14 to 16 of the report and Appendix 2 attached to the report).
I Approve that the leasehold service charges are increased with effect from 1 April 2022 to ensure that all leaseholder costs are recovered (see paragraphs 17 to 21 of the report and Appendix 2 attached to the report).
J Approve that all other tenant charges are increased with effect from 4 April 2022 in order to recover cost (see Appendix 2 attached to the report).
K Approve that Harlow’s Rent Policy is reviewed during 2022/23 with a view to moving towards the National Social Housing Rents Standard (2019) for when properties become empty and for types of rent to be charged on newly acquired or newly built properties (see paragraphs 42 to 44 of the report).
L Approve the options for tackling homelessness and prevention as outlined in paragraphs 45 to 48 of the report. |
Capital and Treasury Report 2022 PDF 120 KB
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that the Cabinet recommended to Full Council that:
A The following Capital and Treasury Reports be approved:
i) The Capital Strategy Report (attached as Appendix A to the report).
ii) The Investment Strategy Report 2022/23 (attached as Appendix D to the report).
iii) The Minimum Revenue Provision Statement 2022/23 (attached as Appendix E to the report).
B The proposed revised Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2022/23 (attached as Appendix C to the report) be approved for implementation with effect from 1 April 2022. Minutes: Cabinet received the Capital and Treasury Report 2022-23.
Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor Simon Carter) it was:
RESOLVED that the Cabinet recommended to Full Council that:
A The following Capital and Treasury Reports be approved:
i) The Capital Strategy Report (attached as Appendix A to the report).
ii) The Investment Strategy Report 2022/23 (attached as Appendix D to the report).
iii) The Minimum Revenue Provision Statement 2022/23 (attached as Appendix E to the report).
B The proposed revised Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2022/23 (attached as Appendix C to the report) be approved for implementation with effect from 1 April 2022. |
Capital Programmes 2021/22 - 2023/24 PDF 465 KB
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet recommended to Full Council to:
A Approve the 2022/23 Housing Capital Programme (HCP) totalling £30.169 million as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
B Approve of the inclusion in the Housing Capital Programme of an additional £25.939 million over 6 years for a Housing “Catch up Stock Need” as set out in Table 2 of the report.
C Approve the updated New Build programme as set out in Table 3 in the report, noting the removal of £155,000 expenditure incurred for both the Stackfield and Brenthall Towers schemes which are not proceeding.
D Approve the 2022/23 Non Housing Capital Programme totalling £18.603 million (attached as Appendix 2 to the report), noting the additional £2.19 million investment in response to Business Cases received as detailed in Table 11 of the report. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the Capital Programmes 2021-22 to 2023/24.
Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor Simon Carter) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet recommended to Full Council to:
A Approve the 2022/23 Housing Capital Programme (HCP) totalling £30.169 million as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
B Approve of the inclusion in the Housing Capital Programme of an additional £25.939 million over 6 years for a Housing “Catch up Stock Need” as set out in Table 2 of the report.
C Approve the updated New Build programme as set out in Table 3 in the report, noting the removal of £155,000 expenditure incurred for both the Stackfield and Brenthall Towers schemes which are not proceeding.
D Approve the 2022/23 Non Housing Capital Programme totalling £18.603 million (attached as Appendix 2 to the report), noting the additional £2.19 million investment in response to Business Cases received as detailed in Table 11 of the report. |
Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2021/22: Mid-Year Review PDF 187 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that:
A The Mid-Year Review of the Treasury Management Strategy, attached as Appendix A to the report, be noted and referred to Council for consideration. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the Treasury Strategy Statement 2021/22: Mid-Year Review:
Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor Simon Carter) it was:
A The Mid-Year Review of the Treasury Management Strategy, attached as Appendix A to the report, be noted and referred to Council for consideration. |
HGGT - Proposed Future Governance Arrangements PDF 284 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that:
A Cabinet agreed ‘in principle’ to explore the creation of a Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Joint Committee, consisting of representation by all five Partner Councils.
B The details of the constitution, priorities and operating model of the proposed Joint Committee will return to Cabinet for further consideration. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on proposed future governance arrangements for Harlow and Gilston Garden Town.
Proposed by Councillor Michael Hardware (seconded by Councillor Dan Swords) it was:
A Cabinet agreed ‘in principle’ to explore the creation of a Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Joint Committee, consisting of representation by all five Partner Councils.
B The details of the constitution, priorities and operating model of the proposed Joint Committee will return to Cabinet for further consideration. |
Approval of London Road North LDO Amendments PDF 224 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that:
A Cabinet noted the responses received to the consultation on the draft updated LDO, and how they were taken into consideration in finalising the updated LDO.
B Cabinet adopted the updated LDO (thereby revoking the existing LDO).
C Subject to recommendation B, authority be delegated to the Director of Strategic Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, to make minor or inconsequential amendments to the Order as may be required following adoption. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the adoption of amendments to the London Road North LDO.
Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor Michael Hardware) it was:
A Cabinet noted the responses received to the consultation on the draft updated LDO, and how they were taken into consideration in finalising the updated LDO.
B Cabinet adopted the updated LDO (thereby revoking the existing LDO).
C Subject to recommendation B, authority be delegated to the Director of Strategic Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, to make minor or inconsequential amendments to the Order as may be required following adoption. |
Award of Framework Agreement - On-line Law Library Services PDF 130 KB Decision: RESOLVED that:
A A Framework Agreement is entered into with to Supplier A for the provision of on line legal library services and hard print encyclopaedias.
B Officers provide processes to support ease of access to the framework and implement procedures to check and report on use and value. Minutes: Cabinet received a report to award a framework agreement for on-line law library services.
Proposed by Councillor Alastair Gunn (seconded by Councillor Joel Charles) it was:
A A Framework Agreement is entered into with to Supplier A for the provision of on line legal library services and hard print encyclopaedias.
B Officers provide processes to support ease of access to the framework and implement procedures to check and report on use and value. |
Energy Procurement Framework Renewal PDF 137 KB Decision: RESOLVED that:
A Cabinet agreed to renew the framework arrangement with Inspired Energy for the procurement of gas and electricity via the Procurement for Housing framework from April 2023 to March 2026, with an option to extend to March 2028.
B The Council entered into a long term supply agreement for gas and electricity from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026, subject to compliance with Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. Minutes: Cabinet received a report to renew the energy procurement framework.
Proposed by Councillor Alastair Gunn (seconded by Councillor Simon Carter) it was:
A Cabinet agreed to renew the framework arrangement with Inspired Energy for the procurement of gas and electricity via the Procurement for Housing framework from April 2023 to March 2026, with an option to extend to March 2028.
B The Council entered into a long term supply agreement for gas and electricity from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026, subject to compliance with Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. |
Communications from Committees/Working Groups/Parties and Panels Minutes: None. |
Minutes of Panels/Working Groups To note the following draft minutes of Cabinet appointed bodies. Minutes remain draft until approved by the relevant body. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the following meetings are noted. |
Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 28 September 2021 of Shareholder Sub Committee PDF 178 KB |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 7 October 2021 of Cabinet Policy Development Working Group PDF 181 KB |
Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 13 October 2021 of Safety Committee PDF 183 KB |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 18 November 2021 of Shareholder Sub Committee PDF 182 KB |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 25 November 2021 of Cabinet Policy Development Working Group PDF 184 KB |
Matters of Urgent Business
Such other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be received as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the minutes. Decision: A Cabinet agreed that Harlow Council seeks to acquire the land at Parnall Road, as set out in the report, on an unconditional basis for a sum no higher than the maximum figure as detailed in the report.
B Authoritybe delegated to the Director of Strategic Growth and Regeneration and Director of Finance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration to submit the bid and confirm and finalise the purchase of the Parnall Road site should the Council’s tender bid be accepted by the Vendor. Minutes: The Leader said that he had been notified of an urgent item. The item was urgent as the bid mentioned in the report was required to be submitted before 3pm on Friday 28 January 2022.
Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor Michael Hardware) proposed that the item was considered in private session on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as specified under Paragraph 3 of Part One of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Members of the public and press left the meeting at 8.45pm, as did Councillor Mike Danvers.
With the consent of the Cabinet, the Leader adjourned the meeting from 8.45 pm to 9.00 pm
The Cabinet considered a report on the acquisition of land at Parnall Road. The report sought approval to submit a bid of up to the figure set out in the report in order to acquire the land.
The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee (Councillor Tony Edwards) confirmed that he agreed the call in period could be waived as required by The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. This was on the basis that the bid for the land had to be submitted by 3pm on Friday 28 January 2022. As required by the Constitution he also agreed that the requirement to give 28 days’ notice of the intention to take the decision be waived.
Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded Councillor Michael Hardware) it was:
A Cabinet agrees that Harlow Council seeks to acquire the land at Parnall Road, as set out in this report, on an unconditional basis for a sum no higher than the maximum figure as detailed in the report.
B Authority is delegated to the Director of Strategic Growth and Regeneration and Director of Finance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration to submit the bid and confirm and finalise the purchase of the Parnall Road site should the Council’s tender bid be accepted by the Vendor. |