Agenda, decisions and minutes

Thursday, 13th October, 2022 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Contact: Adam Rees 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor James Leppard and Nicky Purse.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 644 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2022.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2022 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Leader.


Matters Arising

Any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.




Written Questions from the Public pdf icon PDF 269 KB

To receive any questions from members of the public in accordance with Rule 10 of the Council Procedure Rules.

Additional documents:


The questions, together with the answers, are appended to the minutes.


Written Questions from Councillors pdf icon PDF 277 KB

To receive any questions from Councillors in accordance with Rule 10 of the Council Procedure Rules.

Additional documents:


The questions, together with the answers, are appended to the minutes.



To consider any petitions that have been referred to the Cabinet under the Council’s Petition Scheme.


Disability Charter

Petition from Rt. Hon. Robert Halfon MP


“That the Council:


     i)        Install new signs, repaint the lines and install ANPR cameras in all council-owned disabled parking spaces. Automatic penalty fines must be issued to anyone who enters a disbaled car park or car park space who is not a blue badge holder. This could be done automatically by the ANPR and the revenue from this is used to further improve disabled accessibility across the town.


    ii)        Enforce penalties on parking and vehicles blocking dropped-kerbs in Harlow areas that inconvenience people with reduced mobility.


   iii)        Increase support for blind residents by ensuring that cones are present and working on all pedestrian crossings and ensure A-Boards and pavement furniture are within designated, cordoned areas that facilitate navigation for white cane and guide-dog users.


   iv)        Audit and take subsequent action to ensure all council owned disabled toilets are fully accessible to users using a criteria weighted on space and ease of access.


    v)        Write to all private landowners in the town who have disabled parking spaces on their land calling upon them to fully enforce blue badge parking with ANPR cameras and parking wardens, and to ensure their disabled toilets are fully accessible to users and not used for storage.


   vi)        Review the allocation of disabled car parking in council owned areas to ensure it is as close as possible to buildings such as the Civic Centre and Playhouse and take subsequent action to relocate closer to the building if possible.”


The Rt. Hon. Robert Halfon MP presented his petition on the Disability Charter. The Leader spoke on behalf of the Administration and Councillor Griggs on behalf of the Opposition.


The Leader said he welcomed the petition and the comments from Councillor Griggs. He recommended the Cabinet endorsed the petition which would be considered as part of the budget setting process. Where matters were not within the direct control of the Council, it would consider who the relevant bodies could be influenced.


RESOLVED that the Disability Charter be endorsed, subject to the budget setting process.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 246 KB

To note the Forward Plan, which lists all upcoming Cabinet decisions and provides notice of key decisions and those expected to be taken in private session.


RESOLVED that the Forward Plan is noted.


Recent Relevant Decisions Taken by The Leader, Deputy or Portfolio Holder(s)

To note recent Portfolio Holder decisions taken under delegated powers, as attached.


RESOLVED that the following decision be noted.


Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration - 23 September 2022 pdf icon PDF 104 KB


Contract Award – Fire Safety Works at Morley Grove pdf icon PDF 127 KB


RESOLVED that the most advantageous tender submitted by Contractor A, Borras Construction Limited, is accepted in the revised sum of £634,439.17 for the delivery of updated fire compartmentation works subject to contract and leaseholder consultation.


Cabinet received a report to award a contract for fire safety works at 1-56 Morley Grove.


Proposed by Councillor Simon Carter (seconded by Councillor Dan Swords) it was:


RESOLVED that the most advantageous tender submitted by Contractor A, Borras Construction Limited, is accepted in the revised sum of £634,439.17 for the delivery of updated fire compartmentation works subject to contract and leaseholder consultation.


Mark Hall Conservation Area Adoption and Article 4 Direction pdf icon PDF 321 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


A    Noted the finalised Mark Hall North Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals document, attached as Appendix B to the report.


B    Noted the responses received during the consultation on the document and the proposals (including the proposed Article 4 Direction), attached as Appendix A to the report.


C    Adopted the revised Mark Hall North Conservation Area boundary, attached as Appendix C to the report.


D    Approved the making of the Mark Hall North Article 4 Direction.


E     Approved the related Management Plan and Guidancedocument for consultation, attached as Appendix D to the report.


Cabinet received a report to adopt a Conservation Area and Article 4 Direction in Mark Hall.


Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor Michael Hardware) it was:


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


A    Noted the finalised Mark Hall North Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals document, attached as Appendix B to the report.


B    Noted the responses received during the consultation on the document and the proposals (including the proposed Article 4 Direction), attached as Appendix A to the report.


C    Adopted the revised Mark Hall North Conservation Area boundary, attached as Appendix C to the report.


D    Approved the making of the Mark Hall North Article 4 Direction.


E     Approved the related Management Plan and Guidancedocument for consultation, attached as Appendix D to the report.


Contract Award - Harlow and Town Centre (Various Sites) Construction and Professional Services pdf icon PDF 221 KB


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


A    Awarded a Contract for the provision of Construction and Professional Services in relation to the regeneration of various sites across Harlow and specifically Harlow Town Centre, up to a maximum value of £5,000,000 awarded to McBains Ltd.


B    Delegated Authority to the Director of Strategic Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, to extend the Contract beyond its initial term if required, as set out in paragraph 18 of the report.


Cabinet received a report to award a contract for the provision of construction and professional services for regeneration of sites across Harlow.


Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor Steve LeMay) it was:


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


A    Awarded a Contract for the provision of Construction and Professional Services in relation to the regeneration of various sites across Harlow and specifically Harlow Town Centre, up to a maximum value of £5,000,000 awarded to McBains Ltd.


B    Delegated Authority to the Director of Strategic Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, to extend the Contract beyond its initial term if required, as set out in paragraph 18 of the report.


Cabinet Appointments

To appoint Councillor Kay Morrison to the Highways Panel to the vacant position on the panel following the resignation of Councillor Tony Edwards.


RESOLVED that Councillor Kay Morrison be appointed to the Highways Panel.


Communications from Committees/Working Groups/Parties and Panels




Minutes of Panels/Working Groups

To note the following draft minutes of Cabinet appointed bodies. Minutes remain draft until approved by the relevant body.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the following meetings are noted.


Minutes of Meeting Tuesday 6 September 2022 of Harlow Local Highways Panel pdf icon PDF 179 KB


Matters of Urgent Business

Such other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be received as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the minutes.

