Agenda and minutes

Thursday, 14th December, 2023 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Contact: Email: 

Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item


Webcast Introduction

The Chair will read out the following statement:


“This meeting is being webcast live to our website ( and will be available for repeated viewing after the meeting has ended.


By continuing to attend this meeting, you are consenting to being filmed and to appearing in the webcast.


I would like to remind all those participating in the meeting to use their microphones when they speak, and to turn them off once they have finished talking.”

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The Chair said that the meeting was being webcast live and would be available for repeated viewing after the meeting had ended. By continuing to attend the meeting, you were consenting to being filmed and to appearing in the webcast.


Apologies for Absence

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Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Simon Carter, Eddie Johnson, Nicky Purse and Lanie Shears.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda.

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 990 KB

To agree the minutes of the ordinary and special meetings held on 2 November 2023.

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on 2 November 2023 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Communications from the Chair

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The Chair said he had attended awards ceremonies for the Sea Cadets and Makin’ Steps. He had also been to a number of carol services and had attended the gala night for the Playhouse’s production of Beauty and the Beast.


The Chair had hosted the latest Gems of Harlow event for the performing arts, which was attended by over 30 organisations.


Petitions from the Public

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Questions from the Public pdf icon PDF 205 KB

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The questions, together with the answers, are appended to the minutes.


Questions from Councillors pdf icon PDF 218 KB

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The questions, together with the answers, are appended to the minutes.


Motions from Councillors

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Changes to the Constitution - Senior Officer Appointments

Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor Chris Vince):


“This Council recognises the importance of senior officers in delivering the council’s priorities and the Corporate Plan. It believes that cross-party councillor involvement in the recruitment process will most effectively place the council to recruit candidates who will realise the council’s ambitions for Harlow as councillors hold the elected mandate of Harlow residents. It therefore resolves to amend the council’s constitution so that:


·         The definition of ‘Chief Officer’ be amended to cover both statutory and non-statutory Chief Officers in line with the Localism Act 2011 and Local Government and Housing Act 1989 to reflect the Director tier of management operating in the council;


·         The definition of ‘Deputy Chief Officer’ be added and be defined in line with the Localism Act 2011 and Local Government and Housing Act 1989 to reflect the Assistant Director tier of management operating in the council;


·         The Appointments Panel’s terms of reference be amended to include the appointment of ‘Chief Officers’ and ‘Deputy Chief Officers’ other than where, by law, the Appointments Panel must recommend the appointment to Full Council;


·         The Appointments Panel’s terms of reference be amended to ensure that for Chief Officer appointments (other than the Chief Executive or Head of Paid Service – if they are separate roles) the Chief Executive be a non-voting member of the panel to advise the panel and for Deputy Chief Officer appointments, the relevant Chief Officer and/or Chief Executive (or Head of Paid Service – if they are separate roles) be (a) non-voting member(s) of the panel to advise the panel;


·         The Officer Employment Procedure Rules be amended to reflect these changes and any others required to ensure that in practical terms Directors and Assistant Directors are appointed by the Appointments Panel or Full Council where required by law; and


·         Delegated authority be given to the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council to make any changes to the constitution consistent with the points above no later than 1 January 2024.”  



Additional documents:


Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor Chris Vince):


“This Council recognises the importance of senior officers in delivering the council’s priorities and the Corporate Plan. It believes that cross-party councillor involvement in the recruitment process will most effectively place the council to recruit candidates who will realise the council’s ambitions for Harlow as councillors hold the elected mandate of Harlow residents. It therefore resolves to amend the council’s constitution so that:


·         The definition of ‘Chief Officer’ be amended to cover both statutory and non-statutory Chief Officers in line with the Localism Act 2011 and Local Government and Housing Act 1989 to reflect the Director tier of management operating in the council;


·         The definition of ‘Deputy Chief Officer’ be added and be defined in line with the Localism Act 2011 and Local Government and Housing Act 1989 to reflect the Assistant Director tier of management operating in the council;


·         The Appointments Panel’s terms of reference be amended to include the appointment of ‘Chief Officers’ and ‘Deputy Chief Officers’ other than where, by law, the Appointments Panel must recommend the appointment to Full Council;


·         The Appointments Panel’s terms of reference be amended to ensure that for Chief Officer appointments (other than the Chief Executive or Head of Paid Service – if they are separate roles) the Chief Executive be a non-voting member of the panel to advise the panel and for Deputy Chief Officer appointments, the relevant Chief Officer and/or Chief Executive (or Head of Paid Service – if they are separate roles) be (a) non-voting member(s) of the panel to advise the panel;


·         The Officer Employment Procedure Rules be amended to reflect these changes and any others required to ensure that in practical terms Directors and Assistant Directors are appointed by the Appointments Panel or Full Council where required by law; and


·         Delegated authority be given to the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council to make any changes to the constitution consistent with the points above no later than 1 January 2024.”


RESOLVED that the above motion be carried.


References from Cabinet and Committees

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Referral from Cabinet - Corporate Plan pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Cabinet recommended to Full Councilthat:


              i)        The Corporate Plan 2024 - 2028, attached as Appendix A to the report, is adopted.


             ii)        The Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, prepare a delivery programme for the duration of the plan.


           iii)        The review of the Corporate Plan achievements, in future, form part of a report monitored by Cabinet annually.


           iv)        Delegation be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make minor and inconsequential changes to the Plan.

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Full Council received referral from Cabinet to approve the Corporate Plan.


Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor James Leppard) it was:




A    The Corporate Plan 2024 - 2028, attached as Appendix A to the report, be adopted.


B    The Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, prepare a delivery programme for the duration of the plan to be agreed by Cabinet annually.


C    The review of the Corporate Plan achievements, in future, form part of a report monitored by Cabinet annually.


D    Delegation be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make minor and inconsequential changes to the Plan.


Referral from Cabinet - Medium Term Financial Plan Update pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Cabinet recommended to Full Council that the Medium-Term Financial Plan 2024 - 2028, attached as Appendix A to the report, be approved.


Additional documents:


Full Council received a referral from Cabinet to approve the Medium Term Financial Plan Update.


Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor James Leppard) it was:


RESOLVED that the Medium-Term Financial Plan 2024 - 2028, attached as Appendix A to the report, be approved.


Referral from Cabinet - Financial Performance Report, Quarter 2 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 531 KB

Cabinet recommended to Full Council that itapproved the Budget allocations identified for 2023/24 within the Housing and Non-Housing Capital

Programmes included within Appendices C and D to the report.

Additional documents:


Full Council received a referral from Cabinet on the Quarter 2 Financial Performance report.


Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor Dan Swords) it was:


RESOLVED that Full Council approved the Budget allocations identified for 2023/24 within the Housing and Non-Housing Capital Programmes included within Appendices C and D to the report.


Referral from Cabinet - Questions Procedures pdf icon PDF 239 KB

Cabinet recommended to Full Council that:


              i)        A word limit of 200 for each question and 300 words for each answer (except where the complexity of the questions requires a longer response) be implemented.


             ii)        The deadline for submitting questions be changed to 12pm three clear working days before the meeting.


           iii)        Questions from Councillors be taken as read, unless it is specifically requested that they are read out.


           iv)        A new back-end process for dealing with questions is introduced.


            v)        The Constitution is amended to reflect A-D above.

Additional documents:


Full Council received a referral from Cabinet to amend the questions procedure at meetings.


Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor Dan Swords) it was:




A    A word limit of 200 for each question and 300 words for each answer (except where the complexity of the questions requires a longer response) be implemented.


B    The deadline for submitting questions be changed to 12pm three clear working days before the meeting.


C    Questions from Councillors be taken as read, unless it is specifically requested that they are read out.


D    A new back-end process for dealing with questions is introduced.


E     The Constitution is amended to reflect A-D above.


Referral from Audit and Standards Committee - Model Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 144 KB

The Audit and Standards Committee recommended to Full Council that:


              i)        The Local Government Association (LGA) Model Code of Conduct (attached as Appendix A to the report) be adopted.


             ii)        The provisions come into operation, together with training for members, with effect from the new municipal year following all out elections.

Additional documents:


Full Council received a referral from the Audit and Standard’s Committee to adopt the LGA Model Code of Conduct.


Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor James Leppard) it was:




A    The Local Government Association (LGA) Model Code of Conduct (attached as Appendix A to the report) be adopted.


B    The provisions come into operation, together with training for members, with effect from the new municipal year following all out elections.


Referral from Independent Remuneration Panel - Members Allowances Scheme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

The Independent Remuneration Panel recommended to Full Council that it adopts the Members’ Allowance Scheme (attached as Appendix A to the report) with effect from 1 April 2024.

Additional documents:


Full Council received a referral from the Independent Remuneration Panel on the Members’ Allowance Scheme for 2024/25.


Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor James Leppard) proposed that the matter was deferred until the meeting after Annual Council in 2024.


RESOLVED that the matter be deferred until the meeting after Annual Council in 2024.


Reports from Officers

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Minutes of Cabinet and Committee Meetings

To note the following Cabinet and Committee minutes:

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the following meetings be noted.


Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 17 October 2023 of Licensing Committee pdf icon PDF 184 KB

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Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 31 October 2023 of Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 185 KB

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Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 8 November 2023 of Development Management Committee pdf icon PDF 80 KB

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Matters of Urgent Business

Such other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be received as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the minutes.

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