Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 17th July, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Contact: Email: 

Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item


Webcast Introduction

The Chair will read out the following statement:


“This meeting is being webcast live to our website ( and will be available for repeated viewing after the meeting has ended.


By continuing to attend this meeting, you are consenting to being filmed and to appearing in the webcast.


I would like to remind all those participating in the meeting to use their microphones when they speak, and to turn them off once they have finished talking.”

Additional documents:


The Chair said the meeting was being webcast live and would be available for repeated viewing after the meeting has ended. By continuing to attend the meeting, you were consenting to being filmed and to appearing in the webcast.


Apologies for Absence

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Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mark Ingall, Stefan Mullard-Toal and Chris Vince.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda.

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 485 KB

To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2024.

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2024 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Communications from the Chair

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The Chair congratulated Councillor Chris Vince on being elected as MP for Harlow.


The Chair sent his best wishes for a swift recovery to ex-Councillor Bob Davies who had recently suffered a stroke. The Chair also wished Councillor Mark Ingall a speedy recovery following his accident.


The Chair advised that he had attended the “Beating The Retreat” by the East Anglian Regiment. The Regiment sent their best wishes to the Council and noted that they would like to take up their right to march through the town at some stage.


Petitions from the Public

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Questions from the Public pdf icon PDF 187 KB

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The questions, together with the answers, are appended to the minutes.


Questions from Councillors pdf icon PDF 180 KB

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The questions, together with the answers, are appended to the minutes.


Motions from Councillors

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Long Term Plan for Towns Investment pdf icon PDF 184 KB

Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords and seconded by Councillor David Carter:


“This council welcomes the plethora of investment the Government announced into Harlow which is now being delivered with transformational regeneration of the town centre including:


·        £23.7 million Town Deal announced in June 2021;

·        ?£20 million Levelling Up Fund announced in January 2023;

·        ?£20 million Long Term Plan for Towns investment announced in March 2024;

·        ?Harlow Investment Fund, Housing Infrastructure Grant and Rolling Infrastructure Fund;

·        As well as many other investments from the Government worth hundreds of millions of pounds.


However, notes that the £20 million Long Term Plan for Towns investment appears at risk in light of the comments of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Secretary of State for Communities, Housing and Local Government last week making clear that such funding was under review. This is a concern shared by councils of all political colours and has been raised by the District Councils' Network.


Furthermore, Harlow Council (like many other councils) has not received the first tranche of funding as expected following the General Election.


This is of great concern of all Members at Harlow Council as if a decision is taken by the new Government not to proceed with this funding it will have a significant impact on the regeneration of the town centre, particularly on the safety and security provisions and required infrastructure for the new town centre.


If the new Government decides not to proceed with this previously committed funding, it will be enormously detrimental to Harlow and the rebuilding of the town centre.


This Council will constructively work with the new Government for the benefit of Harlow seeking to ensure that all investments currently allocated to Harlow are continued to enable the rebuilding of the town centre to be completed as planned.


Therefore, this Council calls on:


·        The Leader of the Council to write to the Secretary of State for Communities, Housing and Local Government to recognise that all Members of the Council support this investment, and therefore seek urgent assurances on this funding including confirmation of when the first tranche of funding will be received;


·        Harlow’s MP to arrange an urgent meeting with the Secretary of State for Communities, Housing and Local Government, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and representatives from the Council to discuss this matter;


·        Harlow’s MP to raise this matter in House of Commons Business, Departmental and Prime Minister’s questions to ensure maximum exposure is given to the matter.”

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Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor David Carter):


“This council welcomes the plethora of investment the Government announced into Harlow which is now being delivered with transformational regeneration of the town

centre including:


·        £23.7 million Town Deal announced in June 2021;

·        £20 million Levelling Up Fund announced in January 2023;

·        £20 million Long Term Plan for Towns investment announced in March 2024;

·        ?Harlow Investment Fund, Housing Infrastructure Grant and Rolling Infrastructure Fund;

·        As well as many other investments from the Government worth hundreds of millions of pounds.


However, notes that the £20 million Long Term Plan for Towns investment appears at risk in light of the comments of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Secretary of State for Communities, Housing and Local Government last week making clear that such funding was under review. This is a concern shared by councils of all political colours and has been raised by the District Councils' Network.


Furthermore, Harlow Council (like many other councils) has not received the first tranche of funding as expected following the General Election.


This is of great concern of all Members at Harlow Council as if a decision is taken by the new Government not to proceed with this funding it will have a significant impact on the regeneration of the town centre, particularly on the safety and security provisions and required infrastructure for the new town centre.


If the new Government decides not to proceed with this previously committed funding, it will be enormously detrimental to Harlow and the rebuilding of the town centre.


This Council will constructively work with the new Government for the benefit of Harlow seeking to ensure that all investments currently allocated to Harlow are continued to enable the rebuilding of the town centre to be completed as planned.


Therefore, this Council calls on:


·        The Leader of the Council to write to the Secretary of State for Communities, Housing and Local Government to recognise that all Members of the Council support this investment, and therefore seek urgent assurances on this funding including confirmation of when the first tranche of funding will be received;


·        Harlow’s MP to arrange an urgent meeting with the Secretary of State for Communities, Housing and Local Government, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and representatives from the Council to discuss this matter;


·        Harlow’s MP to raise this matter in House of Commons Business, Departmental and Prime Minister’s questions to ensure maximum exposure is given to the matter.”


Councillor Dan Swords requested (seconded by five supporting Councillors)

a recorded vote on the motion. The recorded vote is appended to

the minutes.


Upon being put to the vote, it was:


RESOLVED that the above motion be carried.


Main Debate

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.3, the Chair will call on the Leader of the Council to introduce the debate on the work undertaken by the Council on 2023/24 municipal year together with any highlights, pressures and potential issues for the coming year.

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In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.3, the Chair called on the

Leader of the Council to introduce the debate on the work undertaken by the Council during the 2023/24 municipal year together with any highlights, pressures and potential issues for the coming year. The Leader of the Opposition was given the opportunity to respond to the debate.


Appointment of Honorary Alderman pdf icon PDF 132 KB

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Full Council received a report on the appointment of three Honorary Alderman.


Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor James Griggs) it was:


RESOLVED that in recognition of their significant contribution to the Council and the District of Harlow in particular and public service in general, Council confers the title of Honorary Alderman to Mr Simon Carter, Mr Eddie Johnson and Mr Mark Wilkinson.


Members' Allowance Scheme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 157 KB

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Full Council received a report on the proposed Members Allowances Scheme for 2024/25.


Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor James Griggs) it was:


RESOLVED that the item be deferred to Full Council in September 2024.


Development Management Committee Members - Replacement pdf icon PDF 81 KB

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Full Council received a report on the replacement of one committee member

serving the Development Management Committee.




A      Council agrees the replacement of Councillor Russell Perrin with Councillor Matthew Saggers to serve on a politically balanced Development Management Committee.


B      Councillor Nicky Purse shall be a substitute committee member.


C      All other appointments approved by Council on 23 May 2024 shall remain as agreed.


References from Cabinet and Committees

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Referral from Audit and Standards Committee - Audit and Standards Committee Annual Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 225 KB

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Full Council received a referral from the Audit and Standards Committee on the Audit and Standards Committee Annual Report 2023/24.


Proposed by Councillor Matthew Saggers (seconded by Councillor Dr Emma Ghaffari) it was:




A      The Annual Report of the Audit Committee for 2023/24 be agreed and recommended to Council for approval.


B      The Committee’s Terms of Reference be agreed.


Reports from Officers

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Minutes of Cabinet and Committee Meetings

To note the following Cabinet and Committee minutes:

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the following meetings be noted.


Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 13 March 2024 of Development Management Committee pdf icon PDF 84 KB

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Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 10 April 2024 of Development Management Committee pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 18 June 2024 of Licensing Committee pdf icon PDF 87 KB

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Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 26 June 2024 of Audit & Standards Committee pdf icon PDF 183 KB

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Matters of Urgent Business

Such other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be received as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the minutes.

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