Agenda and minutes

Development Management Committee
Wednesday, 6th July, 2022 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Contact: Hannah Criddle 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Nicky Purse. Councillor Clive Souter was in attendance as her substitute.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any matters on the agenda.


Councillor Sue Livings declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 10 as a ward Councillor for Old Harlow. She also had a pre-existing relationship with the residents and said she would withdraw from the meeting whilst the item was considered.


Councillor Clive Souter declared non-pecuniary interest in items 11 and 12 as a ward Councillor for Sumners and Kingsmoor.


Councillor Nancy Watson declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 8 as a ward Councillor for Netteswell.


Councillor Mike Garnett declared non-pecuniary interests in items 8 and 10 as an Essex County Councillor for Harlow North. He also declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 10 as a ward Councillor for Old Harlow.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 188 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting on 21 April 2022 are agreed and signed as a correct record by the Chair.


Matters Arising




Written Questions




Procedure for Consideration of Planning Applications

At the discretion of the Chair, the following procedure will apply to the consideration of planning items:-


*           Planning Officer presents reports.


*           Comments invited from members of the public who have registered with the Governance Support Section (01279 446055) at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, as follows:


-           3 (maximum) against an application.      

                        -           3 (maximum) for an application.

                        -           each speaker is limited to 3 minutes (maximum).


*           Comments invited from the applicant/agent for a maximum of 3 minutes (who has also given at least 24 hours notice to the Governance Support Section) of their wish to speak.


*           Councillors’ questions and clarifications.


*           Officers respond to the technical planning questions raised as directed by the Chair.


*           Councillors debate and make a decision.



RESOLVED that the procedure for the meeting be noted.


The Committee agreed that item 11 would be considered next, followed by item 12 and then item 10.


HW/FUL/22/000164 - 45-49 Five Acres, Harlow pdf icon PDF 462 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report and application HW/FUL/22/00164 for cladding replacement works, communal door replacement works, external insulation works to exposed concrete frames and new roof works at 45-49 Five Acres.


Representations were heard from two objectors.


RESOLVED that consideration of the application be DEFERRED to allow for full clarification of the description of the application.


HW/FUL/22/00166 - 106-116 FIve Acres, Harlow pdf icon PDF 532 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report and application HW/FUL/22/00166 for cladding replacement works, communal door replacement works, external insulation works to exposed concrete frames and new roof works at 106-116 Five Acres.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions in the report.


HW/FUL/22/00029 - Land at New Pond Street, New Hall, Harlow pdf icon PDF 964 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Sue Livings left the room for the consideration of this item.


The Committee received a report and application HW/FUL/22/00029 for the erection of 7 no. dwellings, together with associated car parking and amenity space at land on the west side of New Pond Street.


Representations were heard from an objector, a supporter and the agent. It was noted any impact from overlooking would be no greater than other developments.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions in the report.


Councillor Sue Livings returned to the meeting.


HW/FUL/19/00426 - New Frontiers Leisure Club, Paringdon Road, Harlow pdf icon PDF 234 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report and application HW/FUL/19/00426 for the use of former tennis courts and small area in north of site for the storage of 9 storage containers in association with function of the sports and community facility, and 2 in association with other incidental uses on the site of New Frontiers Leisure Club.


Representations were heard from the applicant and agent.


RESOLVED that planning permission was GRANTED subject to the conditions in the report and the following additional condition:


5.    The storage containers hereby approved shall only be used for the storage of equipment that supports the use of the existing sports and social club.


REASON: To protect the amenities of adjoining occupiers and the character of the existing Green Wedge in accordance with policies PL2 and PL5 of the Harlow Local Development Plan 2020.


HW/FUL/20/00378 - Netteswell Hall, Park Lane, Harlow pdf icon PDF 489 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report and application HW/FUL/20/00378 for the erection of 20 dwellings  (incl. 4no flats formed through conversion) and associated parking and landscaping at Netteswell Hall.


RESOLVED that planning permission was GRANTED subject to the conditions in the report, as amended by the supplementary report and the following additional condition.


No development shall take place until a detailed scheme for the provision of electric charging points for vehicles shall be submitted and agreed by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


REASON: To ensure that development addresses climate change in accordance with policy IN1 of the Harlow Local Development Plan 2020.


HW/HSE/22/00002 - 3 Great Leylands, Harlow pdf icon PDF 498 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report and application HW/HSE/22/0002 for the proposed single-storey rear extension, two-storey side extension, new front porch and internal alterations at 3 Great Leylands.


Representations were heard from the applicant.


RESOLVED that planning permission was GRANTED subject to the conditions in the report.


References from Other Committees

Any references received after the publication of this agenda will be circulated separately.




Matters of Urgent Business

Such other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be received as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the minutes.

