Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Lisa Thornett
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||
Introductions and apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting and invited Councillors and Officers to introduce themselves. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Garnett. |
Declarations of interest Councillors’ declaration of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda. Minutes: None. |
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising PDF 1 MB To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2018. Minutes: AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2018 are agreed as a correct record.
Councillor Tony Edwards asked that when referring to schemes in the minutes if it would be possible to quote the name of the scheme as well as the scheme number. This was agreed.
Councillor Danny Purton advised that there is a surplus of money from the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP). He advised that he was looking at placing a bid for ANPR in all Council owned carparks, and more school safety. He asked if any panel members had any suggestions that they could contact him.
Public questions Minutes: None. |
Casualty Reduction Schemes for 2019/20 Briefing Minutes: Adrian Carden of the Casualty Reduction Team at Essex Highways attended the meeting to advise that his team have looked at First Avenue junction with Orchard Croft as there have been a number of reported injury incidents over the last five years which have met the ECC cluster criteria.
He explained that in order to assess the junction they look at the reported collision over a ten year period. It seems that the pattern of the collisions were of people turning right from First Avenue into Orchard Croft.
It has been decided that to mitigate against this happening in the future that the intention would be to reduce the bus lane so that the bikes, etc were not masked by the inner lane.
Preliminary designs have been undertaken and have passed the safety audit. They will look for this to be delivered in 2019/2020. As yet there are no precise figures but as soon as this has been set it will be bought back to the group.
On Thursday 24 January 2019 a consultation for the adjustment of the bus lane will begin. This consultation will run until 15 February 2019.
Approved Works Programme PDF 179 KB Minutes: Rissa Long advised the group that the following schemes had been completed:
LHAR181001 – First Avenue jw Orchard Croft design – The design had been completed and the scheme will move on to the next stage.
LHAR172003 – Tawneys Road (William Martin School) – Completed
LHAR162001 – Parsloe Road jw Phelips Road – Completed.
LHAR173002 – Hamstel Road Tiger / Parallel Crossing – Members agreed to defer this project to the new financial year to allow the additional funds needed for LHAR162009 to be transferred. It was also agreed that the money for this scheme should be committed from the 2019-20 budget to the value of approximately £90,000 with the physical works estimated to commence in the Easter Holidays.
LHAR162009 – Fourth Avenue jw North Gate – Work should commence in late March using the budget adjustment from the Hamstel Road scheme.
LHAR172004 – Pottersfield – Work to be completed towards the end of March and will continue into the new financial year. Members agreed that the money required for phase 2 is allocated from the 2019-20 budget.
LHAR173003 – Church End – scheme to be completed imminently.
LHAR173006 – Woodcroft – Completed.
Potential Scheme List PDF 227 KB Summary of schemes for potential consideration in 2018/19. Minutes: The members agreed to the progression of the schemes outlined below
It was agreed that Members would look at the potential scheme list and decide which scheme they would like to consider to be placed on the priority two list. Rissa advised that it is unlikely that new schemes could be validated in time to be considered at the March meeting.
Highways Rangers (Verbal Report) Minutes: Rissa Long, Essex Highways Liaison Officer, advised the group that a full report will put through to the next meeting.
Rissa advised that more work could be passed to the Rangers who undertake a variety of low maintenance work. |
Section 106 Schemes Minutes: None. |
Any other business Minutes: Councillor Danny Purton asked if the flashing lights within the town could be turned off rather than flashing as this can be quite distracting to the drivers. Councillor Hardware advised that this is a transformer issue rather than a bulb issue. Councillor Johnson asked that all Councillors report any issues directly to Essex Highways on their website.
Councillor Tony Edwards asked for clarification on why no major works could be undertaken on the Momples Road jw First Avenue. Rissa explained that no major work would be progressed until it was clear what implications J7a would have.
Councillor Simon Carter asked if anything could be done to progress the works on Edinburgh Way. This is not within the remit of the panel.
Councillor Michael Hardware advised that the resurfacing work due to commence this weekend will be delayed due to the cold weather.
Councillor Clive Souter asked if a traffic survey could be done on Fourth Avenue near Hare Street Spring. Residents are complaining that the heavy articulate lorries are causing the house to rock and shake.
Rissa Long advised that she is available every second Thursday of the month at the Civic Centre if Councillors which to discuss any issues with her. She asks that appointments be booked through Lisa Thornett.
Date of next meeting Tuesday 26 March 2019 at 10am Minutes: The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 26 March 2019 at 10am in the Council Chamber. |