Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Lisa Thornett
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair Minutes: RESOLVED that Councillor Clive Souter was appointed as Chair for the meeting. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: None. |
Minutes of Meeting Held on 2 July to be Agreed as a Correct Record PDF 2 MB Minutes: Agreed. |
Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes: None. |
Public questions Minutes: None. |
Report on Funded Schemes PDF 11 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Rissa Long, Highways Liaison Officer said the works at Hamstel Road would be commencing on 28 October.
In response to queries by Councillors, Rissa Long said that she would raise the issue of responsibility for the maintenance of roundabouts. She would also raise the repair of the roundabout on Second Avenue’s junction with Third Avenue and Velizy Avenue. |
Minutes: David Sprunt, Principal Transportation Area Co-ordinator, gave an update on various major schemes throughout Harlow, including works to M11 Junction 7a, the works on the A414 junction with Edinburgh Way, and the second Stort Crossing. A copy of the presentation is appended to the minutes. |
Presentation on 20mph Schemes Minutes: It was agreed that the presentation would be considered at the next meeting. |
Report on Schemes Awaiting Funding PDF 64 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Rissa Long said that removing the bus lane from Church Langley’s junction with the A414 was no longer under the remit of the Panel. She would establish who would be progressing the scheme. |
Report on Revenue Spend (electronically only) · Rangers · Traffic Surveys · VAS Maintenance Minutes: Sonia Church, Highways Liaison Manager, said that it was planned to allow local highways panels to use their capital funding to deal with maintenance issues.
In response to a request by Councillor Hardware it was agreed that a speed survey would be carried out on Commonside Road between its junctions with Fern Hill Lane and Latton Green.
The Panel discussed the process for district Councillors being notified of upcoming roadworks. It was explained that the county Councillors currently received notifications and they agreed to forward on notifications to the relevant district Councillors. |
Any other business Minutes: None. |
Date of Next Meeting 14 January 2020 at 7pm Minutes: 14 January 2020. |