Venue: Zoom - Online. View directions
Contact: Lisa Thornett
No. | Item |
Welcomes and Introductions PDF 98 KB Minutes: Councillor Johnson, as current Chair, welcomed all attendees to the meeting and invited Councillors and Officers to introduce themselves. |
Election of Chair and Vice Chair Minutes: Councillor Clive Souter was elected as Chair of the Highways Panel. Councillor Mike Garnett was appointed as Vice Chair.
From this point Councillor Souter chaired the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Tony Edwards. |
Minutes of meeting held on 24 March 2021 to be agreed as a correct record PDF 381 KB Minutes: Agreed. |
Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting Minutes: None. |
Report on Funded Schemes PDF 15 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Rissa Long, Highways Liaison Officer, gave an update on Funded Schemes from the 2020/21 financial year.
It was agreed that the following scheme be removed from the list after work by the Highways Rangers:
i) Pittmans Field – Verge protection |
Report on Schemes Awaiting Funding PDF 47 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Rissa Long presented the report on schemes awaiting funding. It was agreed that the following schemes would be funded:
i) School Lane, outside Freshwaters School – bollard - £6,000
ii) Barn Mead – Dropped crossings – £52,000
iii) Kingsmoor Road – Dropped kerbs - £32,500
iv) Woodwards – Pedestrian dropped crossing - £5,000
v) Passmore Area – Cycling improvements - £96,500
It was agreed that all remaining funding for the year would be allocated to cycle track repairs. Councillors were encouraged to make Officers aware of repairs that needed to take place. |
Any other business Minutes: None. |
Date of next meeting Minutes: 7 September 2021. |