No. | Item |
Welcomes and Introductions PDF 337 KB Minutes: The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting and invited Councillors and Officers to introduce themselves. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Daniella Pritchard. |
Minutes of meeting held on 10 January 2023 to be agreed as a correct record Minutes: Agreed. |
Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting Minutes: Councillor Kay Morrison noted at the previous meeting the issue of street signage for the hatches was briefly mentioned. Dan Mclean, Highway Liaison Team Leader (Essex County Council) advised that street signs could be looked at and would need to be raised with the Essex County Council Councillors. Councillor Michael Hardware advised that a scheme would be coming forward to signage at the hatches.
Councillor Michael Hardware asked whether the Gilden Way crossings should have been part of the development contract. Sarah Tomlin, Highway Liaison Officer (Essex County Council) advised that the Major Projects Team at Essex County Council were not happy with the request for pedestrian guard ways. Sarah Tomlin would request an official response on this and would circulate to the Panel once received. |
Public Speaking Minutes: Councillor Simon Carter presented a petition on behalf of residents at Commonside Road who were concerned about speeding. Sarah Tomlin advised that a feasibility study for Commonside Road had been undertaken and that the project could be considered for funding next year. Proposals for improvement included an increase in more effective speed cushions.
Councillor Nicky Purse raised concerns about a suggested inconsistency in advice given by Essex County Council Highways Officers on two planning applications in Coalport Close. It was noted that the LHP is not the correct format for discussion relating to planning issues. Councillor Hardware agreed to liaise with Essex County Council Strategic Development to obtain some clarting regarding this matter outside of the LHP. |
Report on Funded Schemes Minutes: The Panel noted that scheme 10 (Passmores Area – Cycling Improvements) had not been delivered as the study used was out of date and, therefore, the scheme was not feasible. Dan Mclean advised that the scheme could progress in 2023/24, however, it would be design only and would cost £18,000. The Panel agreed to progress the scheme in 2023/24.
The Panel noted that schemes 19 (Abercrombie Way/Southern Way – Dropped Crossings) and 24 (Latton Bush Centre – Mini Roundabout Improvements) would be carried over to 2023/24 as slippage. Dan Mclean confirmed that Councillor Scott (Essex County Council) had agreed that the funding would also be carried over.
Dan Mclean advised the Panel that scheme 20 (Malkin Drive – Traffic Management Improvements) had been cancelled due to objections from residents. |
Report on Schemes Awaiting Funding Minutes: The Panel agreed for schemes 19 (Abercrombie Way/Southern Way – Dropped Crossings) and 24 (Latton Bush Centre – Mini Roundabout Improvements) from 2023/23 to be recommissioned with the slippage money to be reallocated when released.
The Panel agreed to fund the following schemes:
a) Passmores Area – commission design for cycling improvements b) Sunny Croft junction with Wharley Hook – traffic calming c) Tawney’s Road – zebra crossing remedials d) Fawbert and Barnard (London Road) – pedestrian guardrail e) Park Hill – pedestrian safety f) Momples Road (First Avenue) – safety improvements
The Panel also highlighted the following schemes to be considered for slippage funding:
a) Commonside Road – Traffic calming improvements b) Parsloe Road – pedestrian crossing point to The Link Social Club c) Waterhouse Moor – dropped crossings d) Canons Gate – One way system |
Any other business Minutes: Councillor Bob Davis raised concerns about parking and pedestrian safety at The Downs Primary School. Councillor Mike Garnett advised that he had visited the location with Rissa Long. The Panel noted that a scheme had been suggested, however, the school doesn’t want the dropped kerb and would prefer the zig zags to be re-painted, the removal of shrub areas and updated signage. Sarah Tomlin advised that the removal of the shrub areas would be outside of the remit for the Highways Panel and that the signage would have to be updated by NEPP.
Councillor David Carter noted that the Kingsmoor Road turning was a problem for buses. The Panel noted that it couldn’t do anything to resolve this.
Councillor Kay Morrison raised concerns about vehicles driving over the pavement and parking on the grass verge behind Pace Precision Engineering in Bush Fair. The Panel noted that this was a historical issue and would require the appropriate enforcement to be resolved. |
Date of next meeting Minutes: The Chair advised that the date of the next panel meeting was to be confirmed. |