Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Centre. View directions
No. | Item |
Welcomes and Introductions PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Michael Hardware and Eddie Johnson. |
Minutes of meeting held on 25 April 2023 to be agreed as a correct record Minutes: Agreed. |
Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting Minutes: Sarah Tomlin, Highways Liaison Officer (Essex County Council), confirmed that an explanation on the pedestrian guardway at Gilden Way had been sent to the Panel.
With regard to the queries raised by Councillor Nicky Purse on two planning applications in Coalport Close, Sarah Tomlin confirmed that Essex County Council Highways Officers will carry out site visits as far as possible. It was noted that the circumstances with the two planning applications may have been different. |
Report on Funded Schemes Minutes: Dan Maclean, Highways Liaison Team Leader (Essex County Council), advised the Panel that the funding for the schemes which slipped in 2022/23 was still awaiting approval so not yet available.
The Panel noted that it was not quorate at the meeting, however, agreed to discuss and recommend schemes to the rest of the Panel for approval. The Panel suggested putting forward the following schemes as discussed at the previous meeting:
a) Commonside Road – traffic calming measures b) Waterhouse Moor – dropped crossings c) Canons Gate – one way system
The Panel also suggested recommending the following schemes:
a) Elmbridge – install knee high fence to protect grassed area b) Parsloe Road – traffic calming measures c) Church Langley Way – safety remedial works
Dan Maclean agreed to find out whether the locality fund could be used to repair VAS signs which weren’t working. |
Report on Schemes Awaiting Funding Minutes: Sarah Tomlin advised that the following schemes had had speed surveys undertaken:
a) Potter Street – agreed to undertake a further speed survey closer to the A414 b) Kiln Lane – this would go to the validation stage c) Kingsmoor Road – very low score d) Tendring Road – very low score
It was confirmed that the Parsloe Road scheme for a pedestrian crossing point would be removed as the access point would be unsafe for pedestrians.
The Panel also noted that the Traceys Road scheme for school parking prevention would be dealt with by Passenger Transport. |
Any other business Minutes: Councillor Mike Garnett advised that the flashing lights at Churchgate Street were still not working. Dan Maclean advised that they had been in contact with the company who installed the lights and would look to escalate this higher.
Dan Maclean advised that all districts had now signed onto the bus shelter agreement and the tender would be published imminently. The tender process would be an eight week period, therefore, a supplier should be in place by the next panel meeting. |
Date of next meeting Minutes: The next meeting would be 12 September 2023 at 10am. |