No. | Item |
Welcomes and Introductions PDF 433 KB Minutes: The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Lanie Shears and Dan MacLean, Highways Liaison Officer, Essex County Council. |
Minutes of meeting held on 27 June 2023 to be agreed as a correct record Minutes: Agreed. |
Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting Minutes: Councillor Mike Garnett confirmed that the flashing lights at Churchgate Street were now working. Sarah Tomlin, Highways Liaison Officer (Essex County Council), also confirmed that the lights at Fawbert and Barnard were also working.
Councillor Nicky Purse advised that residents wished to present a petition to Essex County Council (ECC) to reduce the speed limit in Church Langley to 20mph following a recent fatal accident. Councillor Nicky Purse also suggested that a combination of pinch points, pedestrian signs or a speed camera could be potential solutions for reducing the long straight section of the road. Sarah Tomlin confirmed that ECC’s Road Safety Team would now be involved due to the fatal collision. Sarah Tomlin advised that she would also speak to the Design Team Leader for advice. Councillor Nicky Purse agreed to send photos to Sarah Tomlin to assist.
Councillor Eddie Johnson asked whether the HGV sign at the entrance to Church Langley could be installed under his locality fund. Councillor Nicky Purse confirmed that highway works were being carried out as part of the Church Langley fund. Sarah Tomlin would seek advice on whether the workers could repaint the white lines.
The Panel noted that pot hole work was still being completed. Councillor Tony Edwards advised that Momples Road had had patch work done but now had delamination. Councillor Mike Garnett also noted that Paringdon Road and Elizabeth Way still needed doing.
Councillor Kay Morrison asked whether double red lines would be painted outside of William Martin school. The Panel noted that NEPP was completing this work and that all schools would eventually have double red lines.
Councillor Michael Hardware confirmed that a new signage strategy would soon be completed and that new signs would be installed across the town including at shopping centres and hatches.
Councillor Kay Morrison advised that there was a right of way issue for motorists and cyclists near the roundabout at Pets Corner. It was confirmed that motorists have the right of way, however, Sarah Tomlin agreed to visit the site to look at the signage.
Councillor Kay Morrison advised that there was a parking issue in Nicholls Field with motorists parking all four wheels on the pavement. It was noted that this should be raised with NEPP.
Councillor David Carter confirmed that ten sets of red lines would be installed to stop lorries over three tonnes from parking on the street. |
Report on Funded and Priority Schemes Minutes: Sarah Tomlin advised the Panel that the slippage money from 2022/23 had not yet been released, therefore, the Panel wouldn’t have funding for any other schemes at this stage.
Sarah Tomlin advised that the scheme for a pedestrian guardrail at London Road would need to be looked at.
The Panel noted that the schemes at Momples Road and Sunnycroft junction had gone out for consultation. Sarah Tomlin was not aware of any objections at this stage. The Panel also noted that for the zebra crossing remedial works at Tawneys Road required a special shield from China which ECC had been quoted a 22 week wait.
Councillor Michael Hardware advised the Panel that he had spoken to the Portfolio Holder at ECC regarding the cost of the safety remedial works at Church Langley Way. The Panel agreed that Harlow Council should not have to pay for these works as they were needed as a result of design issues. |
Report on Schemes Awaiting Funding Minutes: The Panel noted that the bus shelter works had gone out to tender and were due back in October 2023.
It was noted that Broadfields Primary School was unhappy with the suggested safety improvements. Councillor Mike Garnett confirmed that he had had meetings with the school and would discuss this further with Sarah Tomlin.
Sarah Tomlin advised the Panel that she would seek advice from Dan MacLean regarding the bus lane improvements on the A414 at Church Langley.
Sarah Tomlin agreed to chase for an update on the London Road traffic calming scheme and Waterhouse Moor traffic management scheme.
The Panel agreed to remove the Kingsmoor Road and Tendring Road zebra crossing schemes as the PV2 scores for both schemes came back too low.
The Panel noted that railings would be installed at Tillwicks Road to prevent motorists driving over the highway to park on private land. Sarah Tomlin would add this scheme to the report. |
Any other business Minutes: None. |
Date of next meeting Minutes: The next meeting would be 5 December 2023 at 7pm. |