Agenda and draft minutes

Harlow Local Highways Panel
Tuesday, 9th January, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Welcomes and Introductions pdf icon PDF 464 KB


The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mike Garnett and Eddie Johnson.


Minutes of meeting held on 12 September 2023 to be agreed as a correct record




Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting


Councillor Kay Morrison noted that, at the last meeting, it was advised that new signs would be installed for the shopping centres and hatches. Councillor Michael Hardware confirmed that this work was underway and that he would get an update on the Bush Fair shopping centre signs.


Councillor Kay Morrison also noted that at the last meeting Sarah Tomlin, Highways Liaison Officer, and Councillor Clive Souter agreed to visit the site at Pets Corner to consider the right of way issue for motorists and cyclists. Sarah Tomlin advised that they had visited the site but it would not be possible to do anything here.


The Panel noted that costs had been received to install railings at the Tillwicks Road scheme where there was an issue with motorists driving over the highway to park on private land. It was noted that the Panel could choose to fund this scheme in the next financial year if it were minded to do so.


Councillor Kay Morrison raised the parking issue at Nicholls Field with motorists parking all four wheels on the pavement. The Panel noted that this should be reported to NEPP and the Police.


Councillor Kay Morrison advised the Panel that, since the removal of the number 9 bus service, members of the public now use the number 10 bus which does not have a proper bus stop or safe crossing for pedestrians. Councillor Kay Morrison asked if the Panel could consider installing an island to allow pedestrians to cross the road outside of the Rugby Club safely. Councillor Clive Souter and Sarah Tomlin agreed to assess whether the scheme would be feasible or not.


Councillor David Carter noted that NEPP had installed signage along Kingsmoor Road which prevents vehicles that are over 3.5 tonnes from parking on the road.


Councillor David Carter also noted that the Kingsmoor Road and Tendring Road schemes had been removed from the report but were showing on the report again. Sarah Tomlin confirmed that these schemes could potentially see a dropped island being installed for children to cross over safely. Sarah Tomlin has submitted a potential scheme for validation, but due to the width of the road it may not be possible to install a crossing with a centre pedestrian refuge – options for this potential scheme will be reviewed by the Design Team and if this is feasible a cost estimate will be provided.


Councillor Russell Perrin attended the meeting to ask the Panel if they would consider installing VAS signs on Parringdon Road outside of Moorfield and Paddock Mead. It was noted that cars speed excessively down the hill near a school, shops and housing estates. Dan MacLean, Highways Liaison Team Leader, advised that Essex County Council had recently changed VAS requirements which meant that a speed survey would need to be carried out. For a VAS sign to be installed, the average speed would need to be 10mph above the speed limit. Dan MacLean advised the Panel that, if the requirements weren’t met,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Report on Funded Schemes


The Panel noted that a number of schemes had been completed including; Latton Bush, Park Hill, London Road, Momples Road and Tawney Road.


Sarah Tomlin advised that she was still waiting for the designs for the Abercrombie Way scheme.


The Panel noted that the Sunnycroft scheme had received objections, therefore, it would need to go to the Cabinet Member for approval.


The Panel also noted that it would have to wait until March 2024 to receive its funding to approve more schemes.


Report on Schemes Awaiting Funding


The Panel noted that the bus shelter works had gone through the tender process and were in the final stages of finalising the contractor partnership. Sarah Tomlin advised the Panel that the bus shelter projects should be able to go forward to the new financial year.


The Panel noted that the Waterhouse Moor scheme was not feasible and, therefore, would be removed.


With regard to the Water Lane school scheme, it was noted that the land might be owned by Harlow Council, therefore, the Council might be able to assist with funding the scheme.


Any other business




Date of next meeting


The next meeting would be 12 March 2024 at 10am.