Agenda and draft minutes

Harlow Local Highways Panel
Tuesday, 12th March, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Welcomes and Introductions pdf icon PDF 437 KB


The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors David Carter, Michael Hardware and Eddie Johnson.


Minutes of meeting held on 9 January 2024 to be agreed as a correct record




Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting


The Panel noted that the Tillwicks Road scheme was on the “schemes awaiting funding” list. Sarah Tomlin, Highways Liaison Officer, advised that there was some concern that motorists would still drive over the highway to park on private land even if railings were installed.


Councillor Clive Souter and Sarah Tomlin confirmed that they visited the site outside of the Rugby Club where pedestrians were crossing for the number 10 bus service. The Panel were advised that the road width would not be sufficient for an island. Also, a zebra crossing could not be installed as the road had a 40mph speed limit. Sarah Tomlin suggested that a traffic light crossing could potentially be installed but advised that this would be expensive. The Panel agreed to add a PV2 survey to the “schemes awaiting funding” list. The PV2 survey would assess if there were enough pedestrians crossing or wanting to cross the road to make the scheme viable.


Councillor Alastair Gunn asked the Panel for an update on the Commonside Road traffic calming measures scheme. Sarah Tomlin confirmed that a feasibility study had been completed and agreed to send a copy of the study to Councillor Gunn. The Panel noted that the design work had been completed and the Panel had the option to fund the scheme today. 


Bus Shelter Project


The Panel were advised that a Passenger Transport Briefing was held a few weeks ago. The Transport Business Development Manager was due to attend today’s meeting to provide the Panel with an update on the Bus Shelter scheme, however, they were unable to attend. Sarah Tomlin advised that the officer may be able to attend a future meeting of the Panel.


Report on Funded and Priority Schemes


The Panel noted that all of the schemes had been completed. It was noted that there had been a slight change to the Sunnycroft scheme due to objections received from residents. The scheme would need to go through a CMA legal process to be signed off and would be implemented in the next financial year.


Report on Schemes Awaiting Funding


The Panel agreed to fund all of the “prioritised schemes awaiting funding” apart from scheme 5 (Church Langley Way Safety Remedial works) as the Panel feels it should not be required to pay for remedial works due to the scheme being implemented incorrectly in the first place.


The Panel also agreed to fund the Hare Street Springs pedestrian dropped kerb scheme.


The Panel noted that there would be an all member briefing on the Chair’s Panel on 27 March 2024. It was noted that some larger schemes might be able to be funded through the Chair’s Panel.


Councillor Tony Edwards advised that the lamppost on the Fourth Avenue junction roundabout had been knocked down. Sarah Tomlin would raise this with the relevant team.


Councillor Mike Garnett advised that the markings outside Tanys Dell school needed refreshing. Sarah Tomlin advised that she had previously raised this with the relevant team and would chase for an update.


With regard to the Tillwicks Road scheme, Dan Maclean, Highways Liaison Team Leader, advised that Essex County Council had a small enforcement team which could write to the business to advise that employees should not be driving across the highway to park on private land at the back of the business.


Any other business


Dan Maclean advised the Panel that they may wish to have an interim meeting in April following the briefing on the Chair’s Panel on 27 March 2024.


Date of next meeting


The next meeting would be 18 June 2024 at 7pm.