Agenda and draft minutes

Harlow Local Highways Panel
Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 7.00 pm

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No. Item


Welcomes and Introductions pdf icon PDF 554 KB


The Chairman welcomed all attendees to the meeting and invited Councillors and Officers to introduce themselves.


Katerina Beck, Parent Governor of Tanys Dell Primary School attended the meeting to discuss issues with the roads and parking around Tanys Dell School. She advised she had met with Councillor Michael Garnett in 2022 at the school to discuss what safety measures she felt were needed which included lack of road markings, faded road markings, the zebra crossing being misused and the need for a 20pmh zone to be implemented. Sarah Tomlin, Highways Liaison Officer (Essex County Council) did advise she had reported the faded road markings around the school as she was aware of them. Katerina Beck presented a detailed handbook including her ideas and a list of issues around the parking/roads to Councillor Clive Souter for the Panels information. Councillor Clive Souter and Sarah Tomlin confirmed they would meet Katerina at the school to look at the area during the times she was concerned about to be able to report this.  


The Panel thanked Katerina Beck for her detailed handbook and work she had taken up.


Katerina Beck and Julie Galvin, Legal Services Manager, left the meeting.




Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Michael Garnett and Michael Hardware and from Officer Dan Maclean.



Minutes of meeting held on 12 March 2024 to be agreed as a correct record




Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting


Councillor Kay Morrison raised an issue on the implementation of road signs indicating where the shops around Bush Fair shopping centre are located. Councillor Clive Souter noted that the issue was being dealt with by Councillor Michael Garnett. Councillor Alastair Gunn advised Councillor Kay Morrison to raise this with Councillor Michael Garnett to be updated on the progress and as the Portfolio Holder he may also be able to also discuss this with Councillor Kay Morrison outside of the meeting.


Report on Funded Schemes and Chair Panel Schemes


Sarah Tomlin advised the Committee that although the Panel does still have money to allocate to funded schemes, she explained Harlow over the past two years had overspent and has been told that Harlow cannot overspend this year. She suggested that although there is a buffer there, it should be left.


Sarah Tomlin noted that the first Chairmans Panel meeting took place in mid-May and Harlow were successful in getting the Passmores cycle route scheme 50% funded. This would be implemented in 2024 and was hopeful of securing funding for the second phase of this project through the Chairmans Panel for 2025-2026.


Councillor Alastair Gunn questioned if any work was taking place on Commonside Road traffic calming improvements. From the feasibility study Sarah Tomlin had provided, he asked if the work would only cover from Commonside Road up to the Tysea Road junction and asked if there was any consideration on extending the feasibility work up to the Latton Green Estate. Councillor Alastair Gunn noted he felt that this area had more issues than those being looked at. Sarah Tomlin advised that at this current stage the design work is underway and that adding this in cannot currently be done. Councillor Clive Souter confirmed that himself and Sarah Tomlin would attend the site. Sarah Tomlin advised that a survey could be done and a scheme validation may be put forward for the section. They would keep Councillor Alastair Gunn informed of any updates.


Sarah Tomlin updated all panel members on each funded schemes and their progress.


A summary of the schemes which were taken to the Chairs Panel was included in the report, as discussed one had received funding, the other three would be discussed in the July meeting. The Panel agreed that the Potter Street review of the existing 20mph zone would be the one to discuss there as urgent.


Councillor David Carter noted that Paringdon Road from Maunds Hatch towards the Church needed looking at. Sarah Tomlin advised a survey has been undertaken for this. Councillor Clive Souter had a discussion with Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of Harlow Council about implementing a Smiley Radar Speed Sign in this area. Sarah Tomlin advised that these must meet specific criteria’s to be funded, but that other options can be explored.








Report on Schemes Awaiting Funding


Sarah Tomlin advised the Panel that there was currently no funding to allocate to any of the Schemes Awaiting Funding.


Second Avenue was noted in the meeting, due to the bus service being cancelled and the issues with crossing the road. Sarah Tomlin advised this was surveyed, but no outcomes are currently feasible.


Sarah Tomlin highlighted there were many bus shelters on the report and noted that Passenger Transport had confirmed previously they would attend a meeting but have not yet. She is hopeful they will attend in October.


Councillor Andrew Johnson discussed the current bus lane in Church Langley which is not in use and the need for its removal. Sarah Tomlin had been asked previously by Passenger Transport to look at this and that is has been in validation. She advised she would go back to Passenger Transport to seek funding due to this being their responsibility.


Sarah Tomlin advised that at the next meeting the Panel would start to put together a priority list for the next year.


Councillor Kay Morrison noted that three faded zebra crossings had been bought to her attention in Manor Hatch, Passmores and near Purford Green Primary School. Sarah Tomlin advised she would email Councillor Kay Morrison after the meeting for full details as these are the responsibility of Essex Highways, they would need to be reported on a portal for them to inspect, which she will report.


Councillor Kay Morrison raised concerns of heavy lorries driving through Water House Moor. She advised there is a sign there and coming off the A414 deterring lorries from doing so, but that it is being ignored. Councillor Clive Souter advised this would be an issue for the police. Sarah Tomlin advised to ask residents to make a note of the specific HGV drivers and their companies and contacting them directly may be a good solution.


Councillor David Carter asked if Councillor Clive Souter and Sarah Tomlin could visit Elizabeth Way from the Station to the Flour Mill and look at the 50pmh signs there. He advised there are two small ones on the road and possibly more covered by trees. They confirmed they would visit.


Any other business


Date of next meeting


The next meeting would be 1 June 2024 at 10am.