Agenda and minutes

Harlow Local Highways Panel
Wednesday, 6th April, 2016 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Joel West 

No. Item


Introductions and apologies

To receive any apologies for absence from Councillors.


The Chairman welcomed all attendees to the meeting and invited Councillors and Officers to introduce themselves.


Apologies of absence were received from Essex County Councillor Mike

Danvers and Tony Durcan and Harlow Councillors David Carter and Clive Souter.


Declarations of interest

To receive Councillor’s declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any matters on the agenda.




Minutes of last meeting and matters arising pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2016.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2016 are agreed as a correct record.


At the request of Councillor Karen Clempner, the Chairman provided clarity on the process for asking questions to the Panel.


Reference minute 122b (2) – the Panel discussed and described ‘merge in turn’ signs.


Reference minute 123 – Rissa confirmed that a pedestrian crossing on Old Hall Rise, Church Langley would not be installed as the required criteria had not been met.  The process for measuring feasibility was discussed.


Public questions


No public questions had been submitted in advance of the meeting.


There were two members of the public in attendance and, with permission of the Chairman addressed the Panel as follows:


1)    Vic Potter


a)    Gilden Way

Mr Potter expressed concern that during the construction of the proposed housing development in the location of Gilden Way, construction vehicles may cause disruption to Old Road and Priory Avenue in Old Harlow.  It was suggested that Harlow Council’s Planning Team may be able to offer some information.


b)    M11 7a

Mr Potter made reference to the minutes of meeting held 14 January 2016 112 (c) and was advised that there would be a further opportunity to discuss plans during the Essex County Council consultation planned to take place in summer 2016.


2)    Copshall Close Resident

A member of public reported numerous traffic islands in various locations across the Town that were dirty, no longer illuminated or had been taken away but needed the concrete base removing.  The Chairman of the Panel advised that the Essex Highways Rangers were responsible for this work and that he would make enquiries.


Update on schemes approved 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 227 KB


Sonia Church explained that, as per all Local Highways Panels in Essex, there would be a reduction to the 2016/17 budget compared to its 2015/16 budget due to provision made for investment in local roads and footway resurfacing.


The Panel received a report from Essex County Council on the status of schemes approved in 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16. Rissa provided some further updates on several of the schemes listed, as follows:


LHAR004002 – Passmore Area Cycle Improvements – it was agreed that this scheme would be cancelled and £5,000 would be allocated to undertake the design works.


LHAR152007 – Malkin Drive, Church Langley – the existing traffic calming feature had been removed.


LHAR152022 – Church Langley Way – the Chairman and Officers agreed to review progress of relining the white lines on the approaches from roundabouts leading to Church Langley and from the exit of Tesco onto Church Langley Way.


LHAR151001 – A414 Fifth Ave junction with Burnt Mill Lane – this had been completed.


LHAR151006 – A414 Hamburger roundabout at Southern Way - this had been completed and it was agreed that a report would be circulated to the Panel.


LHAR152027 – Parsloe Road junction with Phelips Road and Markwell Wood – this had been completed.


Potential Scheme List pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Summary of schemes for potential consideration in 2016/17.


The Panel received a report on potential schemes from Essex County

Council.  The Chairman asked Members of the Panel to identify additional potential schemes for 2016-17.




a)    the Safer Roads, Traffic Management, Walking and Cycling as detailed in the report submitted are progressed for 2016-17 noting b - g below.


b)    LHAR162001 – Parsloe Road junction with Phelips Road and Markwell Wood - deflection agreed at cost of £36,000.


c)    The Panel agreed that LHAR162003 - Tawneys Road – would be a priority scheme.


d)    The Panel agreed that Passenger Transport schemes 1-6 and 11-12 would be priority schemes for 2016/17.


e)    An additional Safer Roads scheme for investment including signage at the Hamburger roundabout would be included for 2016/17 at a cost of £7,100.


f)     An additional Traffic Management scheme to relieve parking congestion at Kingsland would be included for 2016/17.


g)    An additional Traffic Management scheme to remove a footpath adjacent to a car park at Tany’s Dell School would be included for 2016/17.


Councillor Karen Clempner reported that bus routes in the location of Little Pardon had changed.  The result of this is that the bus shelters are positioned on the wrong side of the road.



Any other business


a)    Panel members expressed concern that the utility works along the grass verges on main roads in Harlow are causing a great amount of soil to be upturned and that weeds would set in if the soil is not reinstated as soon as possible after the works had been completed.


Date of next meeting

Meeting date to be advised - June 2016.


To be confirmed. The next meeting will be held in the evening around

July 2016.