Agenda and minutes

Harlow Local Highways Panel
Wednesday, 29th June, 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Joel West 

No. Item


Introductions and apologies


The Chairman welcomed all attendees to the meeting.


Apologies were received from Harlow Councillors David Carter, Danny Purton and Clive Souter.


Declarations of interest




Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman


Minutes of last meeting and matters arising pdf icon PDF 29 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2016 were agreed as a correct record subject to the inclusion of schemes for parking and dropped kerbs, which were raised at the meeting for inclusion in the potential schemes list for Barn Mead, Kingsland and Northbrooks.


The following matters arising from these minutes were noted:


(a)       Update on Schemes Approved  2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16

(Minute 132)


LHAR151006 (A414 ‘hamburger’ roundabout) – The promised progress report to members of the Panel was in hand; and would include the outcome of discussions regarding the possibility of cross-hatching on the roundabout to ensure queueing vehicles didn’t restrict the free passage of vehicles from Potter Street onto the roundabout. 


(b)       Potential Scheme List

(Minute 133)


It was noted that the Highways Liaison Officer would investigate   whether the redundant bus shelters in Little Parndon would be removed.


Public questions


Although no formal questions had been received in line with Standing Order 10, the Chairman permitted two Pilkingtons’ residents to raise their concerns about a road safety issue within their estate. 


Due to lack of any physical barriers or signage and impaired sight-lines because of overgrown hedges, there was ambiguity about the right of way where a public foot/cycle path crossed the highway.  Members of the Panel were concerned to hear that there had been a recent accident involving a vehicle and cyclist at the junction purely due to all parties being oblivious to the shared highway area.


The Highways Liaison Officer reported that Essex County Council was aware of the issue and had begun preparatory work to identify what needed to be done to clarify rights of way.  In which case, although no funding had been allocated within the current year, any proposed work could commence at the earliest opportunity once funding did become available.  


In the meantime, it was noted that the landowner might voluntarily cut back the hedge in question to improve sight-lines.


RECOMMENDED that a scheme to improve highway safety at this junction in Pilkingtons be agreed as a high priority potential scheme and held as a first reserve should funding become available earlier than envisaged.


Update on schemes approved pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


The Panel received a progress report on the list of Harlow Council schemes which had been approved by Essex County Council.


Members of the Panel were concerned to learn of the significant increase in  cost for Casualty Reduction designs on the Velizy Avenue northbound approach to Terminus Street signals and that, furthermore, this additional funding of £6,000 would be found from the dropped kerb fund.   The Panel requested details of the increased cost (due to electrical connection work to signage) and which dropped kerb schemes would be deferred to fund the increased costs.    


            RECOMMENDED that


(a)       the Highways Liaison Officer is requested to advise the Panel on  the reason for the increased costs and which dropped kerb schemes would be affected by the transfer of funding for the Casualty Reduction designs;


(b)       on receipt of the above information, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Panel, in consultation with the Head of Place, be delegated to decide whether to contest the Casualty Reduction designs chosen for Velizy Avenue.


Potential Scheme List pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Summary of schemes for potential consideration.

Additional documents:


The Panel received a progress report on the list of capital schemes which could potentially be considered for funding in the 2017/18 financial year.


The Panel emphasised that the Council should liaise with the bus companies to ensure that all the proposed bus shelters were positioned suitably and that the shelters should provide adequate shelter from the elements.  They also asked if advertising were a feasible option to reduce the costs of providing the shelters.


Highways Liaison Officer undertook to investigate the different styles of bus shelters available so that the Panel could have an in-put into the designs selected for Harlow.  


            RECOMMENDED that the report is noted.


Major Capital Schemes


The Panel received a presentation on the major capital schemes proposed for Harlow.


These included Junction 7a, M1; A414/B183 First Avenue; London Road Enterprise Zone access and link road; New Hall/First Avenue/London Road; Cambridge Road/Edinburgh Way and the Clock Tower Roundabout.


            RESOLVED that the presentation is noted.


Any other business


Members of the Panel raised the following issues:


Digital Signage


It was noted that real-time signage had been successfully piloted and was being rolled out across the County.  A date had not yet been set for implementing it in Harlow.


A414 Speed Limit (Between M11 and Park Inn Roundabouts)


It was suggested that speed cameras should be positioned on this stretch of road due to the amount of drivers exceeding the limit there.


Parking on Potter Street


A potential traffic hazard from vehicles parking along the road outside the Miller and Carter Restaurant (albeit in Epping Forest District Council territory) was noted.


Dates of next meetings

·         15 September 2016

·         31 January 2017

·         29 March 2017


The dates of future meetings of the Panel were noted:


10am, 15 September 2016.

7pm, 31 January 2017.

10am, 29 March 2017.