Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Joel West
No. | Item |
Introductions and apologies Minutes: The Chairman welcomed all attendees to the meeting and invited Councillors and Officers to introduce themselves.
Apologies for absence were received from Essex County Councillor Tony Durcan and Harlow Councillor David Carter. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: None. |
Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman Minutes: The Chairman called for nominations for Chairman of the Panel 2016/17. Councillor Mike Danvers nominated Councillor Eddie Johnson and Councillor Clive Souter seconded the nomination.
RESOLVED that Councillor Eddie Johnson is appointed Chairman of the Panel 2016/17.
The Chairman called for nominations for Vice Chairman of the Panel 2016/17. Councillor Eddie Johnson nominated Councillor Mike Danvers and Councillor Karen Clempner seconded the nomination.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mike Danvers is appointed Vice Chairman of the Panel 2016/17. |
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising PDF 29 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 29 June 2016 are agreed as a correct record.
With reference to minute 3 b, Councillor Karen Clempner asked for an update on the removal of redundant bus shelters in Little Parndon. Rissa Long, Highways Liaison Officer advised that there was no update available at this time. |
Minutes: One member of the public and one Harlow Councillor had submitted written questions (supplementary agenda) and were in attendance to address the Panel. The following responses were provided:
Mr David Whitaker, 52 Pilkingtons, Harlow.
Officers advised that since this issue was discussed at the 29 June 2016 meeting of this Panel an on-site validation had been carried out and Mr Whitaker’s suggestions had been considered. Mr Whitaker was pleased that signage and installation of bollards initiatives had been deemed necessary at the location and that further measures would be considered in April 2017 when further budget becomes available.
Councillor Sue Livings
Question 1
In response to a question concerning a dangerous junction at Bury Road and Old Road, Councillor Livings was advised to submit a request form to for a viable solution.
Question 2
Councillor Livings advised that this issue had been resolved.
Roundabout at London Road
The Panel discussed the roundabout at London Road and the surrounding area. It was acknowledged that the surface of the road requires repair however this is not within the remit of the Panel. |
Update on schemes approved PDF 77 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received a report from Essex County Council on the status of schemes approved 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17.
Rissa Long provided some further updates on several of the listed schemes as follows:
LHAR142009 – Church Langley Way – 2 x VAS signs had been installed and a survey would be carried out after one year.
LHAR153001 – Town Wide – The Panel was advised that this scheme had been completed as per appendix 1 of the agenda pack.
LHAR152026 - Second Avenue – The signal heads had been removed.
LHAR163001 – Harlow general – Councillor Danny Purton asked that one additional pedestrian drop kerb be included in batch 4. Officers advised that batch 4 had been funded however this would be considered and that Councillor Purton should submit this request in writing.
Councillor Mike Danvers requested that the traffic regulation orders relating to the two locations below be 9am – 5pm rather than 6am – 8pm. Officers advised that this would be considered and that the request should be submitted in writing.
LHAR165002 – Harlow, Minchen Road 150035051005 Blackbush Spring Adj
LHAR165001 - Harlow, Minchen Road 150035051005 Blackbush Spring Opp
With reference to 2016/17 approved schemes, items 26 – 29, the Panel discussed whether the schemes could be funded from NEPP rather than Essex County Council. It was agreed that it would be useful for a representative from NEPP to attend the HLHP to improve joint up working.
RESOLVED that the report is noted. |
Potential Scheme List PDF 78 KB Summary of schemes for potential consideration in 2017/18. Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received a list of potential schemes for 2017/18 from Essex County Council.
Rissa Long, Highways Liaison Officer reminded the Panel that all 2017-18 funding had been allocated and advised that despite this, request forms for potential schemes would be issued to Panel members in the near future.
Passenger Transport
1500IM1433 Tithelands – Councillor Karen Clempner advised that this scheme had been completed.
1500POTERST3 Red Lion – Joe McGill, Properties, Facilities and Projects Manager indicated that it would be useful to liaise with Harlow Council Regeneration Officers regarding the design of Prentice Place when planning this scheme.
The following potential schemes were also discussed:
a) It was confirmed that the Panel would be asked to approve the introduction of a zebra crossing and an advisory 20mph speed limit in the vicinity of William Martin Primary School in early 2017.
b) A one way system in Longbanks was proposed, similar to that in operation at Millwards and Officers advised that a completed request form would be required for this Panel to consider approval of a feasibility study when funding becomes available in 2017.
c) The Panel discussed a possible major scheme to allow buses to drop passengers at Sainsbury’s at 5th Avenue which would involve the introduction of a bus layby between 1st Avenue and the nearby roundabout with an underpass and a footpath to Sainsbury’s. Officers advised that a completed request form would be required for this Panel to consider approval of a feasibility study when funding becomes available in 2017. |
S106 (for information) PDF 214 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received a Section 106 information report from Essex County Council which listed items in the programme. |
Any other business Minutes: a) Councillor Tony Hall raised the idea of driverless cars and was advised that David Sprunt would consider this when looking at the future of the town.
b) The dilapidated condition of the raised midi roundabout at the location of Northgate was discussed. It was reported that part of the roundabout had been removed by Essex County Council for safety reasons which has contributed negatively to the appearance of the town. The Chairman advised that although this was not within the remit of the Panel it would be investigated.
c) The Panel received a map of Southern Way indicating the distance from residents homes at different locations along the road. It was explained that HGV vehicles using this route cause high levels of noise and vibration along Southern Way. Alternative routes for HGV vehicles were discussed. The Panel agreed that NEPP would be asked for a weight restriction on 3rd Avenue Road leading to GSK at their next meeting. |
Date of next meeting 31 January 2017 at 7pm 29 March 2017 at 10am Minutes: 31 January 2017 at 7pm 29 March 2017 at 10am |