Contact: Lisa Thornett
No. | Item |
Introductions and apologies Minutes: The panel received apologies from Councillors Danny Purton and Clive Souter.
The Chairman welcomed all attendees to the meeting and invited Councillors and Officers to introduce themselves. |
Declarations of interest To receive Members declarations of interest (if any in relation to any matters on the agenda.
Minutes: None. |
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising PDF 25 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 2017.
Minutes: AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 2017 are agreed as a correct record. |
Public questions Minutes: A Member of the public had submitted a written question and had sent a representative to address the panel.
Mr Stuart Bolwerk on behalf of Mr Tony Irish
Re bus lane on Velizy Way
Question 1
Can private hire vehicles use the bus lane only, right-hand turn off Velizy Way?
Councillor Eddie Johnson advised that at present no vehicle other than buses were permitted to use the right hand turn. He advised that it would need to be submitted to another panel, for an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and agreed it would be plausible to enter into consultation. A formal submission to the Harlow Local Highway Panel via the relevant County member would need to be submitted.
Questions from Church Langley Residents Association who had Councillor Simon Carter representing them.
Several questions had been submitted from the Church Langley Residents Association with regards to access and leaving Church Langley.
Councillor Johnson advised the committee that he had met with the residents already and had advised that there was several works due to be undertaken, for example the box junction, traffic lights at the Clock Tower. Councillor Johnson advised that it would need to be assessed, if the value is under half a million pounds then it would need to come back to the panel to be agreed.
Councillor Johnson provided feedback from David Sprunt who has advised that the signage and lining will be done shortly.
Minutes: Members agreed to cancel item number four as enforcement action needs to be proceeded.
Item 2 – LHAR004001- Various Locations – Cycling facilities. It was agreed by the panel that £60,000 would be returned to the fund as there are currently potential land issues with some of the sites being on non-highway land.
Item 4 – LHAR152003 – Parsloe Road – Gateway Feature. The panel agreed that this would be cancelled as Essex Highways contractors experienced some problems whe they attended the site to install the gateway feature.
Item 6 – LHAR162004 – Hodings Road – Feasibility Study The panel were advised that all the feasibility assessments had been completed. It was agreed that all measures would be put in place and that the area would be monitored.
Potential Scheme List PDF 489 KB Summary of schemes for potential consideration in 2017/18. Minutes: The following items were agreed:
LHAR164002 – Pilkingtons - Cycling Top up to existing scheme to introduce measures to improve the visibility of the cycleway that crosses the road in Pilkingtons.
LHAR172002 – Tawneys Road –Traffic Management Implementation of traffic calming measures in the vicinity of William Martin School.
LHAR173002 - Hamstel Road – Walking Detailed design and TRO for a zebra crossing in the vicinity of the hospital.
LHAR172001 - Hodings Road - Traffic Management Implementation of measures in the vicinity of Pemberley Academy.
LHAR162009 - Fourth Avenue jct with North Gate roundabout – Traffic Management Scheme to look at redesigning the roundabout.
LHAR165029 - Canons Gate (opp)- Hobtoe Road – Passenger Transport Replace Bus Shelter.
LHAR165033 - Hobtoe Road (SE-bound) Passenger Transport Replace Bus Shelter.
LHAR162017 - Tumbler Road- Traffic Management Request for layby improvements to accommodate echelon parking.
LHAR166001 - Trotters Road on the approach to Pear Tree Mead Primary School -Total Scheme. Replacement school wig wag unit.
LHAR175001 - Hobtoe Road, Harlow outside the PH – Total scheme New shelter and bus stop infrastructure.
The Panel also agreed schemes for the 2018-19 rolling programme as below:
LHAR165013 - Tilbury Mead-PT – Passenger Transport Replace a Metal Shelter
LHAR163003 - Entrance to Church Gate School- Walking 1 pair of drop kerbs
LHAR163004 - Miles Close junction with Herbert’s-Walking 1 pair of drop kerbs
LHAR163008 - Shawbridge junction next to sign for houses 132-152 - Walking Drop Kerbs 1 pair of drop kerbs LHAR165022 - Church Leys – Passenger Transport Request for new shelter
LHAR165022 - 1 Church Leys –Passenger Transport Request for new shelter
LHAR165023 - Pytt Field - Passenger Transport Shelter and Hard Stand
LHAR165024 - Small Copper (opp)- Momples Road – Passenger Transport Replace Bus Shelter
LHAR165026 - Nicholsfield (opp)- Tumbler Road – Passenger Transport Replace Bus Shelter
LHAR165027 - Tendring Road (W-bound)- Tendring Road – Passenger Transport Replace Bus Shelter
LHAR165031- Hull Grove (opp)- Broadley Road – Passenger Transport Replace Bus Shelter
LHAR165032 - Garden Tiger (o/s)- Maddox Road – Passenger Transport Replace Bus Shelter
LHAR162010 - Willowfield layby improvement – Traffic Management Feasibility study to look at either widening the existing layby to better facilitate echelon parking or look to introduce a one way system
LHAR163020 - Barn Mead- Walking Request for drop kerbs around the whole Barn Mead estate
LHAR172003 - Tawneys Road on the approach to William Martin school Traffic Management Advisory 20mph limit on the approach to the school
LHAR162014 -Potter Street- Traffic Management Request to look into the existing 20mph zone and improving existing traffic calming measures |
Major Capital Schemes Minutes: None |
Any other business Minutes: Councillor Karen Clempner asked if it would be possible for the traffic calming humps to be looked in and around the Katherines estate.
Councillor Eddie Johnson advised the panel that he would arrange for this to be looked at
Councillor David carter asked regarding Paycock Road, the Council had given permission for four bungalows to be built however there was a restriction that they would need to incorporate parking within the grounds. Additional permission has now been granted. Residents are parking on a blind corner meaning that traffic has to overtake the parked cars and are very impeded as you are unable to clearly see oncoming traffic.
Councillor Johnson advised that the area may need double yellow lines and that he would need to submit an application. |
Dates of next meeting Dates of Next Meetings:
· June 2017 (TBC) · September 2017 (TBC) · December 2017 /January 2018 (TBC) · March 2018 (TBC)
Minutes: The next meeting will be an evening meeting in June 2017, date and time to be confirmed. |