Agenda and minutes

Harlow Local Highways Panel
Wednesday, 20th September, 2017 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Lisa Thornett 

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The Chairman welcomed all attendees to the meeting and invited Councillors and Officers to introduce themselves.


Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest


Apologies of absence were received by Councillor Mike Danvers and Councillor Tony Durcan


Minutes of Meeting Held on 29 March 2017 to be Agreed as a Correct Record


AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 29 March 2017 are agreed as a correct record.


Matters Arising from Minutes of 29 March 2017


Councillors agreed that it was good to see that the issue at Hamstel Road was back on track and looked forward to it progressing.


Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 69 KB


The question has been appended to these minutes.


            RESOLVED that Councillor Johnson and Rissa Long would meet the Residents Association in order to perform a site visit and see if there is anything that can be done.


Approved Works Programme


LHAR155021 Pottersfield congestion parking – Joe McGill advised the panel that the work has been allocated to the solicitors to proceed.


LHAR163002 Hamstel Road – Is now in the formal consultation stage and will be consulted through local media in mid October.


LHAR162001 Parsloe Road. Rissa Long advised that this scheme stands at £60000, she proposed to the panel that the scheme be placed on hold until the next financial year, which would divert the funds to other projects. This was AGREED by the panel.


LHAR172002 - Tawneys Road – This has all been completed.




Potential Schemes List


As it was agreed to use some of the money saved from scheme LHAR162001 on the Potential Capital Schemes.


150035050004 o/s David Livingston House - PT

Replace a Metal Shelter



1500350002006 David Livingston House - PT

Replace a Metal Shelter



150035002007 Pytt Field

New Shelter and Hard Stand



1500IM2613- Small Copper (opp)- Momples Road

Replace Bus Shelter



1500IM2465- Hull Grove (opp)- Broadley Road

Replace Bus Shelter



1500IM2614B- Garden Tiger (o/s)- Maddox Road

Replace Bus Shelter






Highway Rangers


Rissa Long advised that the process surrounding making requests for works by the Harlow Rangers has recently changed.


In line with a uniformed process across all twelve District/ Borough and City Councils in Essex all Parishes and Councillors in Essex were emailed in April 2017 outlining the new way of working,


The main amendment being that requests are to be completed on the Rangers request form supplied in the email and returned to the dedicated LHP Rangers email address instead of submitting the request using the online portal.


Request will then be collated and submitted to the Rangers team on a monthly basis.


The Highways team will be unable to provide timescales for when specific requests will be attended to as the nature of the request and the time of the year will dictate the priorities which will be assigned by the Rangers Team.


The lists of requests and completion dates where appropriate will be reported back to the Panel at the quarterly LHP meetings.


Section 106 Schemes (For Information)


There are no Schemes available at present.


Any Other Business


Councillor Danny Purton advised the group that he had attended a meeting with Essex County Council to discuss the possibility of bringing back Housing Estates Roads under the Local Authorities jurisdiction.


Councillor Purton advised that this was met quite positively and he has been asked to present an example of the possible scheme to show how it would be redesigned.


Councillor Michael Garnett asked if possible calming measures could be placed at South Road. As AJ Performance Cars use this road to speed train and test their cars. Councillor Purton advised that there could be a possibility to thave the Traffice Regulation Order there reversed.


Councillor Garnett also advised that Churchgate Street resident are complaining of through traffic from heavy lorries.


Councillor Clive Souter asked if the signs and road markings could be looked at as they are all faded.


Councillor Michael Hardware asked if the Parringdon Road traffic calming could be looked at and perhaps moved further down the road. Councillor Johnson has agreed to visit the site to inspect.


Date of Next Meetings

·         18 January 2018 at 7pm

·         28 March 2018 at 10am


The Date of the next meeting is 18 January 2018 for which Councillor Michael Garnet has given his apologies.