Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Lisa Thornett
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed all attendees to the meeting and invited Councillors and Officers to introduce themselves. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies of absence were received by Councillor Michael Garnett and Councillor Karen Clempner. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: None. |
Minutes of last meeting PDF 98 KB To agree minutes from the meeting held on 20 September 2017. Minutes: AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2017 are agreed as a correct record with two exceptions:
Councillor Mike Danvers had given his apologies for the meeting and Councillor Karen Clempner was present at the meeting. |
Matters arising Minutes: None. |
Public questions Minutes: None. |
Approved Works Programme PDF 43 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Rissa Long explained that there had been a couple of amendments to the figures published in page 8 of the agenda.
Under the schemes prioritised by Rolling Programme the figure should read £120,000.
Under re-profiled schemes from 17/18 to 18/19 all should be delivered with the exception of one scheme.
LHAR142011 – AGREED that this item would be removed as a lot of the land in question was private land and would cause lengthy legal disputes.
LHAR004001 – In the process of finalising the design for this item.
LHAR155021 – The land has all been adopted and therefore the feasibility study has now been circulated to Members.
LHAR163002 – we are investing the possibility of installing a tiger crossing. It was agreed to hold some money back to cover the cost of change should it be liable.
LHAR172001 – on site meeting have been taken place and some additional guard rails have been agreed with the school and will be completed in February half term.
Items 18 -23 should be completed by the end of this year.
LHAR172003 – It was agreed that this scheme would proceed.
It was AGREED that the following schemes would be removed:
LHAR163003 LHAR163004 LHAR163008 LHAR162010 LHAR163020 LHAR162014
Potential Scheme List PDF 46 KB Summary of schemes for potential consideration in 2017/18. Additional documents:
Minutes: Agreed LHAR162001 would proceed with this measure.
It was agreed that LHAR162015 and LHAR162016 would be considered for repair other than replacement.
LHAR162009 – will be considered a priority.
LHAR172004 – AGREED that £60,000 would be spent in the first year and do one half. £37,500 would be allocated within the next budget.
Appended to these minutes is the spreadsheet for the schemes the members approved at the panel with the revised costs.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was agreed that Rissa would liase with her contacts at the Council to ensure all enquiries, including Members enquiries are covered within the Rangers reports. |
Section 106 Schemes (for information) Minutes: None. |
Minutes: David Sprunt gave a presentation with is appended to the minutes. |
Any other business Minutes: Councillor Danny Purton advised the group of the changes made by North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP).
· NEPP will only consider Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) once a year in October. Any schemes that members would like submitted should be done as soon as possible. Councillor Purton will email all members. · The Off Street Committee has been disbanded. Each district will now have to negotiate a service level agreement with NEPP or decide to take the issue back in house. |
Date of next meeting The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 28 March 2018 at 10am. Minutes: The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 28 March 2018 at 10am. |