Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Centre
Contact: Adam Rees
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Andrew Johnson and Mark Wilkinson. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda. Minutes: None. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2018. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2018 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Leader. |
Matters Arising Any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. |
Minute 23 - Operational and Performance Reports Minutes: In response to a question by Councillor Charles, John Phillips, Managing Director of HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd, explained that the original minute request scope has been enlarged to report on improving access to reporting repairs requests and resource planning (planned repairs). This will include an appraisal of the use of an online portal would be considered by the Sub-Committee in October as part of the Customer Access Review. The Review would look at all methods the public could use to contact HTS.
In response to a further question by Councillor Charles, the Chair said the original priorities were still in place. In addition to these, following the Cabinet meeting on 14 June, house building and the creation of a regeneration company had been added as strategic priorities. Any further revisions of the priorities would come through Cabinet. |
Minute 26 - Environmental Improvement Plan - Verbal Update Minutes: Councillor Charles whether Councillors were now being contacted about potential works in their wards. In reply, Councillor Purton said that the standard list of works was still being developed, and that this was being done in consultation with residents groups. He expected that the list would be finalised in August. |
Sub-Committee Work Plan PDF 183 KB To review the Sub-Committee’s work plan. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Work Plan was noted. |
Operational and Performance Reports |
Performance Reports Balanced Scorecard PDF 215 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report which highlighted the operational and financial performance for HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd. The Company had achieved 97 percent of its KPIs up to 31 March 2018, and 100 percent up to 31 May, an outturn of retained profit totalling £412,000 to 31 March 2018, and a favourable forecast for the year of £1,095,000 to 31 March 2019.
The Sub-Committee welcomed the detail of the report and noted that HTS had achieved over 500,000 work hours without a reported accident.
John Phillips drew attention to the two KPIs in March which had been below target. The first was Detritus and Weed Growth which had seen a significant drop in performance for the quarter. However, this appeared to be a blip as performance was now above target as reported in Quarter 1.
Tree works were also below target for the final quarter of 2017/18. It was explained that tree works were carried out by a small team and the adverse weather at the beginning of the year caused issues. Performance was back above target in Quarter 1.
Councillor Purton requested that a report was brought to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee on the use of HTS vehicles outside of work hours.
A The Sub-Committee acknowledged theperformance and financial position setoutin paragraphs 3-15 of the report as follows:
i) HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd (HTS) achieved 97 percent to 31 March 2018 and 100 percent 30 May 2018 against the suite of major and minor KPIs that govern the contract; and
ii) An outturn of retained profit totalling £412,000 to 31 March 2018. A favourable forecast for the year to £1,095,000 to 31 March 2019.
Complaints Analysis PDF 204 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report which summarised complaints to the months of March and May 2018. John Phillips said that complaints were not the only measure of customer service and that the number of plaudits received exceeded the number of complaints. It was agreed that the reports on plaudits received would be circulated to the Sub-Committee and that they would be incorporated into future complaints reports.
RESOLVED that the Sub-Committee:
A Noted the report and summary of complaints to the month of March 2018 and May 2018, as set out in paragraphs 2 to 4 of the report as follows:
i) HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd achieved a ratio of 0.95 percent against total transactions to March 2018 of 48,568 and 0.97 percent against total transactions to May 2018 of 6,986.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report which set out the strategic risks to HTS. Andrew Murray, Head of Housing explained that the reporting of risks was now aligned to the Council’s.
John Phillips outlined the work which had been undertaken to ensure that HTS was complaint with GDPR. Councillor Charles said that GDPR required some companies to undergo an extensive data audit and questioned whether HTS was at the threshold. In reply, John Phillips he would respond outside of the meeting, but added that ISO 270001 gap analysis was being undertaken.
The Sub-Committee discussed future business growth. John Phillips said that the risks associated with third party growth had to be managed, and that the initial focus was on growing the HTS brand locally. Michael Harrowven, Non-Executive Chair of the HTS (Property and Environment) Limited Board, added that the focus was on the Council’s priority of more and better housing.
A The Sub-Committee noted the strategic risks as relating to HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd (HTS) together with their analysis and mitigation outlined in Paragraphs 4 to 6 of the report. |
Development and Improvement Plan - Efficiency Case Studies (2017-18) PDF 195 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report setting out a case study as part of the development and improvement plan.
RESOLVED that the Sub-Committee noted the report. |
References from the HTS Board |
Appointment of External Auditors to the HTS Group PDF 204 KB Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report which recommended that it noted the appointment of Ensors, Chartered Accountants as the external auditor for HTS.
RESOLVED that the Sub-Committee noted:
A Noted the Board’s appointment of Ensors, Chartered Accountants, as external auditors and accountants to HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd (HTS) for 2018/19.
B Noted the terms and conditions of the appointment agreed by the Company Secretary. |
References from Cabinet |
Business Plan Amendments PDF 204 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report which sought approval for amendments to the Business Plan following a decision by Cabinet on 14 June.
RESOLVED that the Sub-Committee:
A Approved the Board’s proposed amendment to the current Business Plan, in line with the Cabinet decision on 14 June 2018.
B Noted the revised Business Plan (2018/22) timetable. |
Revised Balanced Scorecard 2018-2022 PDF 203 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report which recommended the approval of revised Balanced Scorecard targets for 2018/19.
The Sub-Committee discussed how improvements to the culture could be measured. Michael Harrowven said that the target was about encouraging change and allowing the workforce to put forward ideas for improvement.
A The Sub Committee approved the revised Balanced Scorecard targets for 2018/19 onwards as outlined in Appendix A to the report. |
Matters of Urgent Business To deal with any matters of an urgent nature. Minutes: None. |
Date of next meeting 24 October 2018 Minutes: 24 October 2018. |