Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Adam Rees
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Michael Harrowven. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda. Minutes: None. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 February 2021 Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 February 2021 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Matters Arising Any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: In response to a question by Councillor Chris Vince, John Phillips, Managing Director HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd said that three vehicles in their current fleet were electric. They were considering the electrification of their sweeping machines. |
Sub Committee Work Plan PDF 95 KB To review the Sub Committee’s work plan Minutes: The Chair outlined the work plan for the 2021/22 municipal year and said he aimed to make the Sub Committee work plan and meetings focused on strategic themes, working cross-party to develop a new commercial strategy for the HTS Group. To ensure momentum is not lost as work continues to develop the new business plan, a scoping paper will be presented at the next meeting of the Sub Committee in September 2021. It was agreed that following September, future meetings would need to be re-aligned to coincide with HTS Board meetings and the quarterly reporting cycle, which means in practice that subsequent meetings in the year would now be rearranged.
RESOLVED that the work plan was noted. |
Operation and Performance Reports |
Performance and Balanced Scorecard PDF 246 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub Committee received a report on HTS’ operational and financial performance.
John Phillips explained that HTS was still able to meet almost all of its KPIs despite the pandemic. There were issues around the Balanced Scorecard profitability targets caused by the suspended housing capital works programmes, which would now be carried out this financial year as part of the HTS Capital and repairs Recovery Plans.
It was noted HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd had rebated the Council a total of £945,000 from the Annual Service Charge.
A The ShareholderSubCommittee(SSC) acknowledged both theyearend(2020/21) outturn andcurrent(2021/22)performance/financial positionset outin paragraphs 3 to 16 of the report as follows:
i) HTS (Property& Environment)Ltd(HTS)hasachieveda reported 95% percent performance against its performance indicators for year end 2020/21 and 98.25% for May 2021/22 againstthecurrentsuiteof major andminor KPI’s thatgovern the contract.
ii) An actualretainedprofitleveltotaling £1,323,995 asatMarch2021 andareforecastinga levelof £1,999,995 bytheyearendingMarch 2022. |
Emerging from Lockdown PDF 196 KB Additional documents: Minutes: John Phillips presented the report, which included an overview of the Recovery Plans for Capital Works and Repairs, emerging from lockdown. It was highlighted that most HTS staff had worked continuously throughout the pandemic. There was now a backlog of work to catch up on over the next few months. The HTS Group has a plan in place to recover over the next 12 months. There is a commitment to recover the repairs backlog within 3 to 5 months to respond to the programme backlog, and delayed longer-term planned works will be actioned during the course of the year. Increased capacity and more flexible working practices are key to achieving the plan to address the backlog.
A The report, and the progress HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd have made during the lockdown.
B Delegations be approved for the portfolio holders for Housing and Environment to monitor and manage delivery of the recovery plan, and to raise any matters arising. Progress will be reported to the Shareholder Sub Committee. |
Future Direction of HTS Group Ltd Future vision of HTS and SSC operation Minutes: The Chair said that the key aim of the new business plan was to help scale the HTS Group to become one of the biggest public service providers in the East of England. There were a number of options being developed and these would be incorporated into the business plan. Currently, work on the future commercial proposition is taking place.
There was a need to look at wider opportunities such as skills and green technology and to create a diverse portfolio. |
Referrals from Cabinet |
Report of Covid 19 Recovery Working Group March 2021 Minutes: The Working Group had looked at the number of vaccinations in Harlow which was now above 90,000. Both the Chair and the Leader set out the Council’s plans for delivering the town’s economic and social recovery from COVID-19.
Councillor Johnson said that the Council had bid for a number of funds from central government, including the Town’s Fund, and there could be an opportunity for the HTS Group to be involved with works should these bids be successful. |
References from the HTS Group Ltd. Board |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub Committee received the HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd Statement of Accounts.
RESOLVED that the Sub Committee noted theHTS (Property and Environment) LtdStatutoryAccounts attachedas AppendixA tothereport. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub Committee received the HTS (Housing and Regeneration) Ltd Statements of Accounts.
RESOLVED that theSubCommitteenoted theHTS (Housing and Regeneration) LtdStatutoryAccounts attachedas AppendixA tothereport. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub Committee received the HTS Group Ltd Audited Statutory Accounts.
RESOLVED that theSubCommitteenotedtheHTSGroup LtdAuditedStatutoryAccounts attachedas AppendixA tothereport. |
Matters of Urgent Business Such other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be received as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the minutes. Minutes: None. |
Date of next meeting 8 September 2021 Minutes: 8 September 2021. |