Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Adam Rees
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Andrew Johnson. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda. Minutes: None. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2017. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2017 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Leader. |
Matters Arising Any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: None. |
Sub Committee Work Plan PDF 90 KB To review the Sub Committee’s work plan Minutes: Councillor Charles asked that a rolling feature on strategic priorities was included on the Work Plan. The Sub-Committee agreed to this.
RESOLVED that a rolling item on strategic priorities is included on the Work Plan. |
Operational and Performance Reports |
Performance Report and Balanced Scorecard PDF 126 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: John Phillips, Managing Director of HTS (Property and Environment) Limited, gave an update on operational performance for November and December. He highlighted that overall performance was above target. In November weed control performance had dropped below target, but returned to being above target in December. Longer term measures had been put in place to maintain this. HTS was still on course for a retained profit of £850,000.
RESOLVED that the report was noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: John Phillips explained that HTS had improved its methodology of assessing risk by adopting the Council’s procedures. HTS was also taking advice from the Council’s Legal Department with respect of the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
The Sub-Committee discussed the gender balance of staff at HTS. John Phillips explained that HTS employed women in administrative and senior positions, but the ‘shop floor’ staffing positions were predominantly male. HTS was looking at ways to address this.
Councillor Purton noted that the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) had taken steps to recruit more women and had been successful. He suggested that HTS looked at the approach taken by NEPP.
In response to a question by Councillor Charles about business growth, John Phillips said that growth was separated into two strands, the Council and private businesses. In terms of growth associated with the Council, HTS was aiming to be the facilities manager of the Enterprise Zone, tender opportunities, as well as justifiable value for money business cases. HTS would look at growth associated with third parties after growth with the Council had been realised.
Councillor Charles asked that the Council outlined its five business priorities for HTS.
Councillor Wilkinson asked whether HTS was working on providing an online facility for residents to log non-urgent works online (i.e. self diagnosis and reporting on-line). It was agreed that an update would be added to the Work Plan, considered alongside the Council’s implementation timescales for the Customer Services and Access Strategy.
RESOLVED that an update of repairs ‘self-reporting’ on line would added to the Work Plan in 2018/19. |
Complaints Analysis PDF 117 KB Additional documents: Minutes: John Phillips said that the majority of upheld complaints related to repairs or communication. However, it was difficult to analyse any trends as there were so few complaints. HTS now felt it properly understood issues and was looking at ways to address them.
RESOLVED that the report was noted. |
Timetable for the Updated Business Plan PDF 150 KB Minutes: John Phillips said that a meeting between HTS and councillors was being arranged. More information could be provided at the next meeting.
RESOLVED that the report was noted. |
Development and Improvement Plan - Case Studies PDF 198 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered various case studies. John Phillips explained that the purpose of the case studies was to show how beneficial business interests had been implemented.
RESOLVED that the report was noted. |
Environmental Improvement Plan - Verbal Update Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a verbal update on the environmental improvement plan. Andrew Murray, Head of Housing said that in the short term measures were being taken regarding grass cutting, weeds and investing in equipment and staff.
Councillor Purton outlined the medium and long term focusses. Parts of the town looked tired and ways of rectifying this would be looked at. They would be liaising with the County Council about estate roads. A spring clean of the town would be taking place. Councillors would be contacted about potential works in each councillors respective wards so they could have input. |
References from the HTS Board None. Minutes: None. |
Matters of Urgent Business To deal with any matters of an urgent nature. Minutes: None. |
Date of next meeting 12 March 2018. Minutes: The meeting on 12 March would be cancelled and the date of the next meeting was to be agreed. |