Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hannah Ellis. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Written Questions from the Public Minutes: None. |
Written Questions from Councillors Minutes: None. |
Employment Law Changes - Presentation Minutes: Paul Smith, HR Consultant, gave a presentation to the Committee on employment law changes. The Committee noted that upcoming legislative changes would include; the Employment Rights Bill, the Equality (Race and Disability) Bill and the Duty of Candour Legislation. Paul Smith also gave the Committee an update on the National Pay offer.
The Committee agreed that this should be a standing item on the agenda. |
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report on HR Policy Updates.
It was noted that there would be a comprehensive refresh of all HR polices. The Committee also noted that the unions had been consulted and supported the proposed updates for the four policies presented to Committee for approval.
The Committee agreed that a work plan should be scoped out by the relevant Portfolio Holder and lead officer.
It was suggested that the under Section 12.1 of “Implementing the Restructuring” section of the Organisational Change policy, there should be more emphasis on internal communications. The Committee noted that under Section 5.1 “Timetable for CLT Consideration of Proposals and Implementation” an amendment was required to change BIS (Department for Innovation and Skills) to BIES (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy).
The Committee suggested that the work plan could include items on the guidance/training given to management on the new policies and an update on the implementations of the new policies.
A The following policies be approved:
i) Organisational Change Policy ii) Discretionary Payments Policy iii) Carers Leave Policy iv) Managing Sickness Absence Policy
B The Committee notes the work being undertaken to update other HR policies which will be submitted to future meetings.
C The Committee agree that a work plan is formed by the relevant Portfolio Holder and lead officer and brought forward to future meetings of the Committee. |
Workforce Statistics PDF 138 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report with the workforce statistics for quarter 1 in 2024/25.
The Committee credited Clare Seymour, Senior HR Advisor, and the HR Team for putting the statistics together.
The Committee suggested that it may be useful to have an understanding of the number of staff on sick absence for stress, depression and anxiety rather than the number of sickness absence days. The Committee also suggested adding an additional age category for staff aged 67 plus. Clare Seymour suggested that an additional report could be provided on agency workers.
RESOLVED that the Committee:
A Reviewed the information and statistics (attached as Appendix 1 to the report), recognising this is a ‘new start point’ and the data provided will evolve over future reports.
B Consider, discuss and recommend any additional statistics that may be of use for regular reporting. |
Matters of Urgent Business Minutes: None. |