Agenda and draft minutes

Harlow Local Highways Panel
Tuesday, 7th January, 2025 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mike Garnett and Dan Maclean, Highways Liaison Team Leader.


Minutes of meeting held on 1 October 2024 to be agreed as a correct record




Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting


Sarah Tomlin, Highways Liaison Officer, said she would be visiting Hobtoe Road in February.


It had been confirmed that the grass verges on Southern Way up to Bishopsfield were Harlow Council land. Dean James, Operations Manager, said he would look at the specific site. There was legislation that would enable no parking signs to be placed provided it could be demonstrated that the land was appropriately maintained.


Councillor Edwards would be sent the pack on bus shelters. Sarah Tomlin added that most of the bus shelters would be renewed as part of an Essex County Council programme. This would include some shelters that were owned by Harlow Council.


The Chair said he had spoken to Councillor Hardware about the installation of shopping signs, who believed they would be installed by the end of the month.


Sarah Tomlin explained that there was insufficient evidence to change the 30mph zone of Potter Street to 20mph. She was still waiting for validation of the scheme next to Tanys Dell School to be returned.


Report on Funded Schemes and Chair Panel Schemes


Sarah Tomlin explained that although the Panel was currently £20,000 under budget, the cost of schemes was increasing and it was likely that the Panel would end up over budget. For example the dropped crossing at Waterhouse Moor took longer to complete because of a nearby development which caused workers to stop repeatedly.


Consultation had taken place on the one-way system at Canons Gate. As the majority of responses were against the change, it was agreed this would no longer be progressed.


Of the Chairs schemes, only the Passmores cycle scheme was being progressed.




Report on Schemes Awaiting Funding


Sarah Tomlin said the Panel couldn’t fund anymore schemes this year. She agreed to look at the Sustainable Transport Corridor (STC) being a future item and would ask whether the First Avenue Bus Shelter scheme could be included as part of the STC.


Sarah Tomlin said she would look at whether the signs installed on Malkin Drive had been installed by Essex Highways and would look at whether signs could be installed on Church Langley Way to prevent HGVs from trying to access the M11.


The Panel agreed to prioritise the following schemes for funding in 2025/26:


        i)         Commonside Road – Traffic Calming – both sections (2 separate schemes at different stages)

       ii)         Joyners Field – Dropped Kerb

     iii)         Mallows Green – Barrier Removal or Amendment

     iv)         Thurstons – No Through-Road Signs

      v)         Southern Way – 40mph Speed Limit Enhancement

     vi)         Passmores Cycle Route – Phase 2

    vii)         First Avenue – Bus Shelter


Sarah Tomlin would ask maintenance about a missing priority working sign in Katherines and would chase regarding markings outside Tanys Dells School.





Any other business




Date of next meeting


25 March 2025 at 10am.