Browse meetings

Licensing Committee

This page lists the meetings for Licensing Committee.


Information about Licensing Committee

The Licensing Committee deals with the licensing of a wide variety of businesses and activities, including pubs, clubs and shops which sell alcohol, hackney carriage / private hire vehicles and drivers, street trading and charity collections. It has the power to grant licenses, determine contentious applications and also to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew licenses. The Committee also has responsibilities relating to health and safety at work, food safety and protection of the environment.


Terms of reference


Functions relating to licensing and registration functions (in so far as not covered by any other function of the Committee) and health and safety at work.


Terms of reference


Functions relating to licensing and registration functions (in so far as not covered by any other function of the Committee) and health and safety at work.


Terms of delegation


1.    Except in relation to the Statement of Licensing Policy, to discharge all functions conferred upon the Council as a licensing authority under the Licensing Act 2003, including responsibility for licensing the sale and supply of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshment.


2.    Except in relation to the Statement of Licensing Policy, to discharge all functions conferred upon the Council as a licensing authority under the Gambling Act 2005.


3.    The enforcement of trading requirements relating to the sale of goods and opening hours of shops and other premises and the issue of licences, consents and/or registrations, as appropriate, including enforcement, of the following:


a)    Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles, including their drivers, operators and vehicle inspections;


b)    pet shops, riding establishments, boarding kennels and catteries, dog breeding establishments, zoos and keepers of dangerous wild animals;


c)    ear piercing, acupuncture, electrolysis and tattooing;


d)    sex establishments;


e)    street trading;


f)     pavement permits (Highways Act 1980);


g)    charity street collections and house-to-house collections;


h)    camping and caravan sites;


i)      motor salvage operators and scrap metal dealers; and


j)      game dealers.


4.    To progress actions arising from the Crime & Disorder Strategy which may be referred to it for consideration.


Any other matters relating to licensing which may be referred to it.


Meetings are open to members of the public, except for when confidential information is being considered.


Members of the public can ask questions at meetings of the Licensing Committee.