of Reference
Function to consider any
matters referred to it by the Licensing Committee or Officers in
relation to functions conferred upon the Council as The Licensing
of Delegation
Except in relation to the Statement of Licensing
Policy to discharge all functions conferred upon the Council as The
Licensing Authority where:
Applications on which objections have been received
in the stipulated time span, which cannot be resolved through
negotiation or the imposition of conditions supported by
Applications submitted by or on behalf of any
Councillor, their spouse or partner or any officer of the Council
their spouse or partner.
Any other matter that officers believe should
rightly be referred for a decision to be made.
To progress actions arising from the Crime &
Disorder Strategy that may be referred to it for
To report on an annual basis to Full Council
decisions taken.
Any other
matters relating to the functions of the Licensing Authority that
may be referred to it.
Meetings are open to members of
the public, except for when confidential information is being