Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.

Information about Cabinet

The Cabinet carries out all the Council's functions which are not reserved to Full Council or the responsibility of any other part of the Council, whether by law or under the Council's Constitution and takes Key Decisions as defined in Part 2 of this Constitution.


Terms of Reference


1.    Develop and review policies within the Council's policy framework.


2.    Review the use and allocation of assets and resources within approved budgets and make recommendations to Council on the same.


3.    Be responsible for and review Council services, including the introduction of new services and the standard or level of existing services.


4.    Promote partnerships consistent with the Council's Corporate Plan.


5.    Respond to relevant documents and initiatives from other organisations.


6.    Review and make recommendations on the Scheme of Delegations, Council Procedure Rules, Standing Orders relating to Contracts and Financial Regulations.


7.    Promote and develop the image and reputation of the district and the Council.


8.    Prepare and maintain a forward plan of Key Decisions.


The Cabinet can appoint Working Groups under Article 9 of the Constitution. Currently it has one permanent Working Group:


Meetings are open to members of the public, except for when confidential information is being considered.


Members of the public may ask questions at Cabinet meetings.