Browse meetings

Development Management Committee

This page lists the meetings for Development Management Committee.

Information about Development Management Committee

The Development Management Committee deals with all of the Council’s functions relating to planning and development control. It makes decisions on planning applications, including those which relate to listed buildings or buildings in conservation areas, and can authorise enforcement action against work which has been carried out without planning permission. It also has duties and powers relating to the preservation of trees and hedgerows and the protection of listed buildings.


Terms of reference


Functions relating to town and country planning and development control.


Terms of Delegation


1.    Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and any related legislation including:


a)    determination of planning applications (subject to 2 below);


b)    enforcement of planning control; and


c)    waste land notices, purchase notices, etc.


2.    The only planning matters that are dealt with by the Committee are:


a)    Applications on which two or more material planning objections have been received in the stipulated time span, which has not been resolved by negotiation or through the imposition of conditions and which Officers wish to support.


b)    Applications which any Councillor requests in writing within 21 days of the circulation of the details of the application on the Weekly List, with a valid planning reason for bringing it to the Committee.


c)    Major planning applications, or contentious applications which Officers, in consultation with the Chair, consider are likely to be of significant public interest.


d)    Applications submitted by or on behalf of the Council for its own development, except for minor developments, for which no objections have been received.


e)    Applications which are notified to Planning Services as being submitted by or on behalf of a Councillor of the Authority (or his or her spouse/partner), the MP for the district, or Officers at Service Head Level or above.


3.    The following matters may be referred to the Committee by the Planning and Building Control Manager, subject to the criteria in paragraph 2 above


a)    Householder development and related applications for listed building and conservation area consent;


b)    Temporary planning permissions (subject to a maximum 3 year time limit) and related applications for listed building consents;


c)    Applications for alterations to shop fronts, including the installation of external shutters and ATM’s and other related applications;


d)    Applications for a means of access;


e)    Advertisements, blinds, canopies and related applications for listed building and conservation area consent;


f)     All major commercial development;


4.    All new residential development.


Meetings are open to members of the public, except for when confidential information is being considered.


Members of the public, applicants and agents can address the Committee on individual planning applications. For more information, please see Rule 19 of the Council Rules of Procedure from the Council’s Constitution.