Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Council.


Information about Council

The Full Council is the ultimate decision-making body of the Council (subject to any legislative restrictions). All Councillors attend Full Council meetings (normally six meetings per year excluding special meetings) and at the Annual Full Council meeting which is normally held in May after the local government elections, Councillors are appointed to specific positions such as the Leader and the Chair of the Council.


1.       Approve the Constitution (including political management structure, Council Procedure Rules, Standing Orders, Terms of Reference, Delegation Scheme, Financial Regulations and codes of conduct, subject to paragraph 16 below).


2.       Appoint the Chair of the Council.


3.       Appoint the Vice-Chair of the Council.


4.       Appoint the Leader of the Council.


5.       Make appointments to Committees subject to paragraph 16 below.


6.       Agree and amend the terms of reference and delegated powers of Committees and Officers, subject to paragraph 16 below.


7.       Agree the policy framework together with the following individual strategies/policy documents:


·         The Corporate Plan

·         Medium Term Financial Strategy

·         Community Cohesion Strategy

·         Housing Strategy and Business Plan

·         Homelessness Strategy

·         Licensing Policy and Statement

·         Local Development Framework

·         Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy


8.       Approve the following:


·         Council Tax

·         General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and Capital Expenditure Estimates

·         Housing rent levels (including domestic garages)

·         Members' Allowances Scheme

·         Applications to the Secretary of State for the transfer of housing land.


9.       Appointment of Honary Aldermen at meetings called specifically for this purpose.


10.   Appointment and dismissal of the Chief Executive and Statutory Officers subject to any statutory provision.


11.   Resolve differences between the Cabinet, the Scrutiny Committee or the Call-In Sub-Committee.


12.   Review and make appointments to external organisations except where delegated.


13.   Deal with other matters not within the terms of reference of any other Committee.


14.   To receive the reports of Statutory Officers made under Section 114 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 or the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.


15.   Such other matters as the Full Council may from time to time reserve to itself or as may be reserved to Full Council by law.


16.   Deciding on departures from Council policies, strategies and budgets as previously agreed.


17.   Paragraphs 1, 5 and 6 above are subject to the functions delegated to the Licensing Committee by the Council under the Licensing Act 2003:-  in respect of:


·         the establishment of Sub-Committees;

·         regulation of its own procedure and that of its Sub-Committees; and

·         arrangements for the discharge of its functions by a Sub-Committee or Officer(s).


Meetings are open to members of the public, except for when confidential information is being considered.


Members of the public may ask questions at most meetings of the Council. Exceptions include the Annual Council meeting (held around May each year) and Special Meetings.


Meetings of the Council are sometimes filmed. You can watch footage of Council meetings that have been filmed at