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Call In Sub Committee

This page lists the meetings for Call In Sub Committee.


Information about Call In Sub Committee

The Call In Sub Committee is a standing Sub Committee of Scrutiny Committee.


Terms of reference


1.    To review and scrutinise decisions made or other action taken, in connection with the discharge of any functions of the Council making recommendations to the Scrutiny Committee.


2.    To call in, review or scrutinise any decision made but not implemented and to recommend that the decision be reconsidered by the person or body who made it.


3.    To have power to require any Harlow District Council Councillor and/or Officer to attend before it and to answer questions; it being the duty of any such Councillor or Officer to comply with any such requirement.


4.    To consider matters referred by individual Councillors.




1.    Full Council shall appoint the Vice Chair of the Sub-Committee.


2.    The Chair shall be the Vice Chair of the Scrutiny Committee.


3.    In the absence of the Chair the Vice Chair shall preside.