Browse meetings

Harlow Growth Board

This page lists the meetings for Harlow Growth Board.

Information about Harlow Growth Board

Terms of Reference


1.    The role of the Harlow Growth Board


The Harlow Growth Board is a partnership of key stakeholders from the public, private and third sector which have a strong presence in Harlow.


The Board will represent the Harlow District Council Local Authority area and its potential as part of the wider UK Innovation Corridor.


The Growth Board will have the oversight of and provide strategic direction for the town’s growth and prosperity. It is the vehicle through which the vision and strategy for the town is created.  This strategy will set out the future for Harlow over the short, medium and longer term. It will support the development of and implementation of a Town Investment Plan (TIP) which will be submitted as part of the MHCLG Towns Fund.


It will also be the strategic partnership to coordinate the range of projects that are due to take place within Harlow over the coming years, including the relocation of Public Health England, regeneration of the Town Centre, the delivery of the Harlow Science Park and Enterprise Zone, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town and the provision of the new Princes Alexander Hospital.


The functions of the Board are to:


a)    Act as a forum to work collectively to provide the vision and strategic direction to drive the long term economic growth and prosperity of the town;


b)    Provide insight from its members from different perspectives to support the development and growth of the town ensuring it is a vibrant, attractive and sustainable place to live and work;


c)    Create a pipeline of potential projects that will help deliver the Board’s agreed vision and strategy ready to take advantage of funding and opportunities as and when they occur;


d)    Develop and oversee the delivery of the evidence based Town Investment Plan (TIP) as part of the MCLG Towns Fund bid and monitor its implementation;


e)    Support the effective engagement of key stakeholders in the work of the Board including the delivery of the Town Investment P and Towns Fund;


f)     Work together and coordinate resources to maximise the benefits that can be achieved from the major projects seeking synergy and mutual benefits at all times;


g)    Act as advocates for Harlow at local, regional and national levels to secure investment in the town;


h)    Enable government at all levels to align their investments policies and decisions to maximise the benefits helping to ensure coherence and avoid overlap;


i)     Participate and lead on undertaking stakeholder and community engagement to ensure a sense of ownership of the delivery of the Board’s objectives and work programme;


j)     Act as critical friends to the development and implementation of major projects within Harlow to ensure the best outcomes are achieved for the town.


2.    Board Membership


The Board is made up of standing members comprising:


·         An independent chair from the private sector

·         The local MP for Harlow

·         The Leader of Harlow Council

·         Portfolio Holder for Economic Development

·         Chief Executive, of Harlow District Council

·         Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Essex County Council

·         Director of Sustainable Growth, Essex County Council

·         A representative of the South East Local Enterprise Partnership

·         A representative from Public Health England

·         A representative from Princess Alexandra Hospital

·         A representative of the CCG

·         A representative of Harlow College

·         Chair of the Harlow Gilston Garden Town Board

·         A representative from Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

·         A representative from the LSCC Innovation Corridor

·         A representative of Rainbow

·         Chair of the Harlow Arts Trust

·         Chair of BMAT Trust

·         A DWP representative 

·         Chair of Harlow Chamber of Commerce 

·         Representatives from large businesses that have a base within Harlow


Board members may send substitutes to individual meetings and must let the secretariat chair know in writing 3 days before the meeting. However, substitutes may not vote.


Subgroups and Task and finish groups will need to be set up for specific projects/opportunities going forward and Board members will need to delegate appropriately to these.


Supporting Officers


A limited number of supporting officers may attend the Growth Board meetings but may not speak (unless presenting) or vote at the meeting.


3.    Board Meetings


Meetings shall usually be held on a bi-monthly basis. Meetings may be called as and when required to ensure that critical timescales are met.


No decisions shall be made at any Board meeting unless a quorum is present.  The quorum shall be eight voting members.




Where a decision is required the Board shall try to reach a consensus view.  Where this is not possible there will be a vote.


Each Board member shall have one vote, supporting officers from the organisations listed above can attend meetings but do not have a vote.


The Chair shall have a second or casting vote.




Harlow District Council, as Lead Council, will provide a secretariat function which will involve organising meetings, preparing and circulating agendas and producing minutes.


Agendas and accompanying reports shall be published at least 5 clear working days in advance of a meeting and sent to all members of the Board.


Agendas and reports will be published on Harlow District Council’s website unless it is agreed by the Chair that these items are of a confidential nature.


Minutes of all meetings will be public documents.


4.    Board Members Conduct


All Board members are expected to adhere to the Nolan Principles.


Declarations of Interest


The Members recognise that it is essential that the business of the Board is conducted in an open and transparent manner.


Members must therefore declare a personal interest in any item on the agenda.


Declaration involves stating the interest and the nature of the interest.  Once the interest is declared, then a Member may speak on the item but must not vote on it.


5.    Roles and Responsibilities




The role of the Chair is to lead the Board in delivering its objectives and work programme effectively.


The key responsibilities of the post are to:


·         Effectively chair meetings of the Board, leading it towards decisions that ensure the strategic vision and key objectives of the Board are delivered.

·         Provide strategic leadership and direction to ensure that the Board achieves its goals

·         Lead the efforts of the Board to develop, agree and implement a Town Investment Plan for Harlow

·         Ensure that the Board always adheres to high standards of ethics and governance.

·         Ensure the active participation and engagement of all Board members. Exert a casting vote in Board decisions if circumstances so require

Board Members


The duties and responsibilities of a Board member are to:


·         Attend meetings of the Board and to nominate an appropriate named alternative where attendance is not possible.

·         Actively support the role and functions of the Board.

·         Contribute knowledge and expertise to the discussions of the Board and to work collaboratively to support the delivery of the Boards objectives including the successful delivery of the TIP.

·         To be an effective advocate for Harlow at local, regional and national level working effectively with partners and individuals

To participate in subgroups and task and finish groups of the Board as appropriate.


6.    Changes to the Terms of Reference


The Terms of Reference of the Board may be amended by the Board at any meeting subject to a majority vote.