The Committee the received an application and report (HW/FUL/23/00096) for the demolition of the existing school buildings and sports facilities and erection of a replacement school and sports facilities with associated access, parking and landscaping.
The Committee also received a supplementary agenda with amendments to existing conditions and recommendations to add an additional condition for 2 electrical vehicle charging points to be provided.
Representations were heard from one objector and the agent.
Councillor Nicky Purse proposed (seconded by Councillor Livings) that prior to works commencing a communication strategy be implemented for liaison between the local residents and the school during the construction school so they can be updated, when necessary, about any works being undertaken.
RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions in the report and the supplementary report with amendments to conditions 8, 13, two further conditions and an additional informative clause
A Changes to condition 8: If unexpected contamination is discovered at any time during the implementation of the development to which this permission relates, work in the affected area shall immediately cease and the contamination shall be reported to the local planning authority. Work in the affected area shall not resume until works for the remediation of said contamination have been approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with any agreed remediation and verification measures.
REASON: In the interests of human health and to accord with policy PL10 of the Harlow Local Development Plan 2020.
B Changes to condition 13: Prior to the commencement of the relevant works, details of the materials and architectural features to be used in the exteriors of the approved teaching and sports blocks shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: In the interests of conserving heritage assets and the character and appearance of the area and to accord with policies WE5, PL1 and PL12 of the Harlow Local Development Plan 2020.
C Additional condition: Prior to the beneficial occupation of the development to which this permission relates. 2no. active electric vehicle charging points shall be provided as shown on the approved plans. By the same date, all other car parking spaces shall be provided to meet a passive standard. The spaces shall thereafter be retained as such unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.
REASON: In the interests of promoting sustainable modes of transport and to accord with policy IN1 of the Harlow Local Development Plan 2020.
D Additional condition: Prior to works commencing, a communication strategy for the liaison between local residents and the school during construction of the new school shall be submitted to and agreed by the Local Planning Authority. This should set out as a minimum how regular updates will be given to residents and how residents can raise issues with a named contact. The communication strategy thereby approved shall be adhered to in full unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Authority.
REASON: To protect the amenities of residents in accordance with Policy PL2 of the Harlow Local Development Plan, December 2020.
E Change to informative: In applying condition 13, the Council will seek to retain an element of blue feature panels on the proposed buildings.
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