RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Notes the performance of key performance indicators for June and July.
B Notes the performance against the council’s annual delivery plan for quarter 1.
C Notes the Finance position as July (period 4) of 2024/25 financial year.
D Approves the Period 4 reprofiling into 2025/26 within the Housing and Non-Housing Capital Programmes included within Appendices E and F to the report.
E Recommends to Full Council the approval of the Budget allocations identified for 2024/25 within the Housing Capital Programmes included within Appendix F to the report.
F Notes the current strategic risks for the council’s operations.
Cabinet received a report on performance, finance and risk for June and July.
Proposed by Councillor Dan Swords (seconded by Councillor Alastair Gunn) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Notes the performance of key performance indicators for June and July.
B Notes the performance against the council’s annual delivery plan for quarter 1.
C Notes the Finance position as July (period 4) of 2024/25 financial year.
D Approves the Period 4 reprofiling into 2025/26 within the Housing and Non-Housing Capital Programmes included within Appendices E and F to the report.
E Recommends to Full Council the approval of the Budget allocations identified for 2024/25 within the Housing Capital Programmes included within Appendix F to the report.
F Notes the current strategic risks for the council’s operations.
Supporting documents: