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Register of interests
Councillor Russell Perrin
This register of interests was published on Wednesday, 17th August, 2022, 12.35 pm.
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I, Councillor Russell Perrin, a Councillor of Harlow District Council, set out below under the appropriate headings my interests, which I am required to declare under the Localism Act 2011 and the Council’s Code of Conduct and I have put “none" where I have no such interests under any heading.
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
Councillors are required to register not only their own interests under this heading but also those of their husband or wife, civil partner or of any person with whom they are living as if husband and wife or as civil partners when such interests are known by them
1. Your employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on by you or those persons referred to above for profit or gain (includes any payments or benefits in kind which are subject to Income Tax).
Description of your employment activity
Stewards Academy
2. Any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than for your authority) made or provided within the last 12 months in respect of expenses your have incurred in carrying out your duties as a member, or towards your election expenses. This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992
Name of Person or Body making Payments
Election expenses paid for by Conservative Party
3. A description of any contract for goods, services or works made between your authority and you or the persons referred to above (or a body in which you or they have a beneficial interest) and which has not been fully discharged
Description of Contract
4. Any land in your authority’s area in which you have a beneficial interest
187 The Dashes, Harlow, Essex, CM20 3RX
66 Purford Green
7(a) The Drive, Harlow, Essex, CM20 3QD
5. Any land in the authority’s area for which you or the persons referred to above have a licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy for a month or longer
Address/Description of Land
Nature of Interest in Land
Allotment Plot at Commonfields Allotments
Rented for £45 per annum for use of allotment plot
6. Any tenancy where to your knowledge the landlord is your authority and the tenant is a body in which you or a person referred to above has a beneficial interest
Address/Description of Property
Nature of Interest in Property
7. The name of any person or body in which you or a person referred to above has a benefit interest in securities of that body where:
See note
P and P Homes Ltd
Other Pecuniary Interests
Councillors are only obliged to register their own interests under this heading and do not need to include the interests of husbands/wives/civil partners or others
8. The name of the person who employs or has appointed you, the name of any firm in which you are a partner, and the name of any company for which you are a remunerated director.
P and P Homes Ltd
9. A description of any contract for goods, services or works made between your authority and you (or a body in which you or they have a beneficial interest) and which has been fully discharged within the last 12 months
Registerable Non-Pecuniary Interests
Councillors are only obliged to register their own interests under this heading and do not need to include the interests of husbands/wives/civil partners or others
10. Your membership of or the fact that you are in a position of general management and control of any body:
See note
Name of Authority
The Conservative Party
Local Party Chairman
11. The name of any person from whom you have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £50
Harlow Football Club - 9 October 2021 - £50