Home address:
Brook House
Wyldwood Close
Old Harlow
CM17 0JD
Phone: 01279 437401
Email: cllr.mike.garnett@essex.gov.uk
Councillor Mike Garnett is both a District and County Councillor. This page contains information in relation to their role as a County Councillor. Further information in relation to this role can be found on Essex County Council’s website: https://cmis.essex.gov.uk/essexcmis5/Councillors/tabid/62/ctl/ViewCMIS_Person/mid/480/id/610/ScreenMode/Ward/Default.aspx
For information in relation to their role as member of Harlow Council please follow this link: http://moderngov.harlow.gov.uk/mgUserInfo.aspx?UID=131