In this section you can access a wide range of information and
documents related to the Council's decision making processes, find
out about forthcoming Council meetings and decisions, and obtain
details of local political representatives.
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If you wish to return to the main Harlow Council website, click the
Council's logo in the top left hand section of the screen at any
time. To return to this page at any time, click Meetings Home from
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Information regarding Council, Cabinet and committee meetings. You can find agendas, minutes and reports of both previous and upcoming meetings; dates and times of future meetings, and issues that will be discussed in future.
Meetings of Full Council and Cabinet are now filmed and you can watch footage of these meetings from the webcasts page on the Council's main website.
Harlow Councillors and Harlow's representatives in the UK Parliament Information regarding the decisions taken by Cabinet and by Portfolio Holders under delegated powers
To view documents in pdf format you will require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Members of the public can attend most Council meetings, either to observe proceedings or to ask questions. When confidential information is being discussed at a meeting, members of the public may be asked to leave, though this is rare.
Members of the public can submit petitions directly to the Council. Petitions can be submitted in hard copy (on paper) or electronically (called an e-petition).
It is also possible to subscribe to updates in order to receive information via e-mail regarding particular issues and committee meetings.