Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee
Thursday, 14th July, 2022 5.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre

Contact: Hannah Criddle 

No. Item


Appointment of Chair

To appoint a Chair for this meeting.


RESOLVED that Councillor Nick Churchill was elected as Chair for the meeting.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda.




Summary Review - Full Summary Review Hearing for The Clock House


Procedure for the Meeting pdf icon PDF 133 KB


RESOLVED that the procedure for the meeting was noted.


Summary Review - Full Summary Review Hearing for The Clock House pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Additional documents:


On 22 June 2022, the Council received an application for Summary Review of the premises licence in respect of The Clock House, 11-15 Adams House, The High, Harlow, Essex, CM20 1BE made by Essex Police (applicant).


On 24 June 2022, the Council determined to take interim steps to suspend the premises licence with immediate effect until a full review hearing.


At this full hearing, Members of the Sub Committee considered the request made to review the premises licence and decided whether the interim steps should remain in place, be withdrawn or new interim steps be introduced.  


Having carefully considered all the evidence presented by the Licensing Officer, Essex Police (applicant), the Licence Holder and the Licence Holder’s representative it was:




A     The Sub Committee agree to replace all existing conditions on the premises licence (Annex 2) with the conditions as set out in paragraph 3.11 and in Appendix D to the Essex Police Supplementary bundle.


B     Condition 18 to be amended to read that “no persons shall be permitted to take plastic bottles, glasses or drinking vessels (other than plastic/polycarbonate/paper etc. vessels) from the premises or outside of the external drinking area”.


C     The Sub Committee agree to amend existing hours of operation/licensable activities on the premises licence with those hours set out in paragraph 3.11 and in Appendix D to the Essex Police Supplementary bundle.


D     The interim steps determined on 24 June 2022 to cease to have effect.


E     New interim steps agreed to be the same as the new premises licence (as in A-C above) and shall remain in place until the end of the appeal period (or until any appeal determination).