Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre
Contact: Adam Rees
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors’ declarations of interest (if any) in relation to any items on the agenda. Minutes: None. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2023 are agreed as a correct record and signed by the Leader. |
Matters Arising Any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: None. |
Written Questions from the Public PDF 186 KB To receive any questions from members of the public in accordance with Rule 10 of the Council Procedure Rules. Additional documents: Minutes: The questions, together with the answers, are appended to the minutes. |
Written Questions from Councillors PDF 92 KB To receive any questions from Councillors in accordance with Rule 10 of the Council Procedure Rules. Additional documents: Minutes: The questions, together with the answers, are appended to the minutes. |
Communications from the Leader Minutes: The Leader detailed progress which had been made against the Council’s five priorities. This included the level of outstanding housing repairs being back below pre-Covid levels.
He noted that Julie Houston, Assistant Director – Community Resilience, was retiring in the next few months. All Councillors thanked her for the significant contributions she had made to the regeneration of the town. |
Petitions To consider any petitions that have been referred to the Cabinet under the Council’s Petition Scheme. Minutes: None. |
Recent Relevant Decisions Taken by The Leader, Deputy or Portfolio Holder(s) To note recent Portfolio Holder decisions taken under delegated powers, as attached: Minutes: RESOLVED that the following decisions be noted. |
Portfolio Holder for Economic Development - 10 July 2023 PDF 11 KB |
Portfolio Holder for Economic Development - 10 July 2023 PDF 8 KB |
Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing - 8 August 2023 PDF 106 KB |
Portfolio Holder for Economic Development - 15 August 2023 PDF 108 KB |
Financial Performance Report, Quarter 1 2023/24 PDF 486 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Noted the forecast outturn position set out within the report in respect of the General Fund as at the end of quarter 1 (April – June) of 2023/24 with a projected favourable variance of £114,000.
B Noted the forecast outturn position set out within the report in respect of the Housing Revenue Account as at the end of quarter 1 (April – June) of 2023/24 with a projected adverse variance of £750,000.
C Noted the forecast outturn position set out within the report in respect of the Non-Housing Capital Programme as at the end of quarter 1 (April – June) of 2023/24 with a projected adverse variance of £3.781 million.
D Noted the forecast outturn position set out within the report in respect of the Housing Capital Programme as at the end of quarter 1 (April – June) of 2023/24 with a projected favourable variance of £12.116 million.
E Noted the Earmarked Reserve Table Summary position as at 31st March 2023 included within Appendix F to the report.
F Approved the virements for the Housing Capital Programme identified within the table included in paragraph 20 of the report.
G Approved the Period 3 reprofiling into 2024/25 within the Non-housing Capital Programme only included within Appendix D to the report.
H Approved to reprioritise expenditure for a new Garage demolition project within the Housing Capital Programme (HCP) of up to £1.6m. The specific virements required will be delegated to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Finance & Governance portfolio holder. Minutes: Cabinet received the Quarter 1 Finance Report for 2023/24, including the amended conditions which had been circulated on a supplementary agenda.
Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor Michael Hardware) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Noted the forecast outturn position set out within the report in respect of the General Fund as at the end of quarter 1 (April – June) of 2023/24 with a projected favourable variance of £114,000.
B Noted the forecast outturn position set out within the report in respect of the Housing Revenue Account as at the end of quarter 1 (April – June) of 2023/24 with a projected adverse variance of £750,000.
C Noted the forecast outturn position set out within the report in respect of the Non-Housing Capital Programme as at the end of quarter 1 (April – June) of 2023/24 with a projected adverse variance of £3.781 million.
D Noted the forecast outturn position set out within the report in respect of the Housing Capital Programme as at the end of quarter 1 (April – June) of 2023/24 with a projected favourable variance of £12.116 million.
E Noted the Earmarked Reserve Table Summary position as at 31st March 2023 included within Appendix F.
F Approved the virements for the Housing Capital Programme identified within the table included in paragraph 20 of the report.
G Approved the Period 3 reprofiling into 2024/25 within the Non-housing Capital Programme only included within Appendix D.
H Approved to reprioritise expenditure for a new Garage demolition project within the Housing Capital Programme (HCP) of up to £1.6m. The specific virements required will be delegated to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Finance & Governance portfolio holder. |
Annual Treasury Management Report 2022/23 PDF 136 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet noted the annual Treasury Management Report for 2022/23 (Appendix A to the report), and that the Council operated within the Treasury Management Strategy Statement during 2022/23 and that the report be recommended to Full Council for approval. Minutes: Cabinet received the Annual Treasury Management report for 2022/23.
Proposed by Councillor James Leppard (seconded by Councillor David Carter) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet noted the annual Treasury Management Report for 2022/23 (Appendix A to the report), and that the Council operated within the Treasury Management Strategy Statement during 2022/23 and that the report be recommended to Full Council for approval. |
HGGT Joint Committee Proposal PDF 169 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet recommended to Full Council that:
A The proposal for the establishment of a Joint Committee (JC) in respect of matters pertaining to the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town be supported.
B Subject to all authorities approving the agreement, the arrangements set out in the Inter Authority Agreement at Appendix 1 to this report be endorsed and agreed.
C The Monitoring Officer be asked to make consequential amendments to the Council’s constitution to facilitate the establishment of the committee on the Terms of Reference set out in Schedule 10 of the Agreement once all constituent Council’s have confirmed their approval of the agreement.
D Delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, to make any to make any necessary, non-consequential and minor amendments and refer to the HGGT Chair and Director. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the establishment of a Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Joint Committee.
Proposed by Councillor Michael Hardware (seconded by Councillor James Leppard) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet recommended to Full Council that:
A The proposal for the establishment of a Joint Committee (JC) in respect of matters pertaining to the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town be supported.
B Subject to all authorities approving the agreement, the arrangements set out in the Inter Authority Agreement at Appendix 1 to this report be endorsed and agreed.
C The Monitoring Officer be asked to make consequential amendments to the Council’s constitution to facilitate the establishment of the committee on the Terms of Reference set out in Schedule 10 of the Agreement once all constituent Council’s have confirmed their approval of the agreement.
D Delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, to make any to make any necessary, non-consequential and minor amendments and refer to the HGGT Chair and Director. |
Mark Hall Article 4 Direction Confirmation PDF 238 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that:
A Cabinet approved the confirmation of the Mark Hall North Article 4 Direction, which will be confirmed on the date specified in the Notice of Confirmation to be published and served by the Council.
B Cabinet adopted the related Management Plan and Guidance document, as set out at Appendix D to the report.
C If the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) requests modifications must be made to the Direction before it is confirmed, Cabinet delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder, in consultation with the Interim Head of Planning and Building Control, to approve the confirmation of the modified Direction and approve any necessary amendments to the adopted Management Plan and Guidance document. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the confirmation of the Mark Hall North Article 4 Direction.
Proposed by Councillor Michael Hardware (seconded by Councillor David Carter) it was:
A Cabinet approved the confirmation of the Mark Hall North Article 4 Direction, which will be confirmed on the date specified in the Notice of Confirmation to be published and served by the Council.
B Cabinet adopted the related Management Plan and Guidance document, as set out at Appendix D to the report.
C If the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) requests modifications must be made to the Direction before it is confirmed, Cabinet delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder, in consultation with the Interim Head of Planning and Building Control, to approve the confirmation of the modified Direction and approve any necessary amendments to the adopted Management Plan and Guidance document. |
Town Centre North Development Brief PDF 236 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Noted the responses received to the consultation in Appendix B and approves the consequential amendments made to the Town Centre North Development Brief.
B Formally adopted the Development Brief as set out in Appendix A to this report. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the adoption of the Town Centre North Development Brief.
Proposed by Councillor Michael Hardware (seconded by Councillor James Leppard) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Noted the responses received to the consultation in Appendix B and approves the consequential amendments made to the Town Centre North Development Brief.
B Formally adopted the Development Brief as set out in Appendix A to this report. |
Towns Fund and Levelling Up Fund Procurement - Delegated Authority PDF 227 KB Decision: RESOLVED that:
A A waiver be granted to Contract Standing Order No.18.4 in accordance with CSO 3 to facilitate the award of contracts in excess of £350,000 by officers without a further report to Cabinet, relating to the appointment of construction partners for Harlow Sustainable Transport Interchange and Hub, Broad Walk and Market Square; and Harlow Arts and Cultural Quarter.
B Delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development (or the Leader of the Council) and the Legal Services Manager to contract award various appointments related to the delivery of Towns and Levelling Up Funded projects, up to a maximum contract value, not exceeding the funding envelope of the Towns Fund and Levelling Up Fund grant awards. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on granting delegated authority for contract awards for town centre projects.
Proposed by Councillor Michael Hardware (seconded by Councillor James Leppard) it was:
A A waiver be granted to Contract Standing Order No.18.4 in accordance with CSO 3 to facilitate the award of contracts in excess of £350,000 by officers without a further report to Cabinet, relating to the appointment of construction partners for Harlow Sustainable Transport Interchange and Hub, Broad Walk and Market Square; and Harlow Arts and Cultural Quarter.
B Delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development (or the Leader of the Council) and the Legal Services Manager to contract award various appointments related to the delivery of Towns and Levelling Up Funded projects, up to a maximum contract value, not exceeding the funding envelope of the Towns Fund and Levelling Up Fund grant awards. |
Harlow Regeneration Partnership Business Plan PDF 206 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Approved the Harlow Regeneration Partnership (HRP): First Investment Plan – September 2023 – August 2026 as set out in Appendix A to the report.
B Agreed that annual reporting from the HRP should take place at each October Cabinet Meeting, repeating annually from 2024 until such time that the partnership is dissolved.
C Approved the development of a public-facing website containing details of the HRP targeted to be live in January 2024 and notes the establishment of the HRP branding. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the Harlow Regeneration Partnership Business Plan.
Proposed by Councillor Michael Hardware (seconded by Councillor James Leppard) it was:
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
A Approved the Harlow Regeneration Partnership (HRP): First Investment Plan – September 2023 – August 2026 as set out in Appendix A to the report.
B Agreed that annual reporting from the HRP should take place at each October Cabinet Meeting, repeating annually from 2024 until such time that the partnership is dissolved.
C Approved the development of a public-facing website containing details of the HRP targeted to be live in January 2024 and notes the establishment of the HRP branding. |
Communications from Committees/Working Groups/Parties and Panels Minutes: None. |
Minutes of Panels/Working Groups To note the following draft minutes of Cabinet appointed bodies. Minutes remain draft until approved by the relevant body. Minutes: None. |
Matters of Urgent Business Such other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be received as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the minutes. Minutes: None. |