Committee details

Regulatory Sub Committee

Purpose of committee

Terms of Reference


Functions: relating to licencing and regulatory functions (in so far as not covered by any other Committee or Sub-Committee of the Council).


Terms of Delegation:


1.    To discharge the functions of the Council in regard to its’ licensable and registration functions bar those conferred on the Licensing Committee and Sub-Committee.


2.    The enforcement of trading requirements relating to the sale of goods, opening hours of premises and/or shops, issue of licences, consents and/or registrations as appropriate including but not limited to the enforcement of the following:


(a)  Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles, including their drivers, operators and vehicle inspections;

(b)  pet shops, riding establishments, boarding kennels and catteries, dog breeding establishments, zoos and keepers of dangerous wild animals;


(c)  ear piercing, acupuncture, electrolysis and tattooing;


(d)  sex establishments;


(e)  street trading;


(f)   pavement permits (Highways Act 1980);


(g)  charity street collections and house-to-house collections;


(h)  camping and caravan sites;


(i)    motor salvage operators and scrap metal dealers; and


(j)    game dealers.


(k)  markets


3.    To progress actions arising from the Crime & Disorder Strategy that may be referred to it for consideration.


4.    To report on an annual basis to Full Council decisions taken.


5.    Any other matters relating to licensing which may be referred to it.



The membership of each Regulatory Sub Committee meeting will comprise of three Members of the Licensing Committee.


Contact information

Support officer: Email:
